Example sentences of "as much [conj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I think it is as much that the word is a philosophy , but I do n't think we should throw it out of the window altogether , like I say , it 's a foundation , it 's our our foundation stone .
2 In retrospect , this was a highly creative period , when the politics of urban changes were very much in flux ( McKay and Cox , 1979 ) ; the initiatives were largely ineffective except in as much that the period paved the way for the legislation , and the further , more focused action , that followed .
3 Men may suffer just as much when a relationship fails , but they seem able to make a cleaner break .
4 Ader Tajan , the company in which Jacques Tajan is a partner along with auctioneers , brothers Remi and Antoine Ader , is expected to record business of FFr319 million for 1992 as against a target of FFr350 million and nearly three times as much when the market peaked in 1989 .
5 She might have said as much if a cat had died .
6 And the odour can be carried as much as a mile away if the wind is blowing in that direction .
7 In Cumbria , said Redfern , the ‘ height increment [ growth ] does appear to have fallen off markedly since about 1975/6 … down as much as a quarter in recent years . ’
8 All this information , compiled during a journey that may have lasted as much as a quarter of an hour , enabled it to deduce the exact course it had to take in order to arrive back at its nest-hole .
9 Each child born in the industrialised world consumes between 20 and 40 times as much as a child living in one of the poorer countries .
10 They should n't drive so fast because their car is n't worth as much as a child 's life .
11 His style lends itself to much deadpan humour : when describing the old custom of cutting the cake by breaking it over the bride 's head , he does it without as much as a wink .
12 Such a placing seems as likely to engender angry defensiveness as much as a will to improve .
13 As it floats away , the spider continues to spin until there may be as much as a yard of thread hanging in the air .
14 For those cursed with absolute pitch I should say that all these recordings are distinctly on the sharp side of A440 concert pitch — sometimes by nearly as much as a quarter-tone .
15 For such people the European identity is a threat as much as a promise .
16 As the title suggests it is an appeal as much as a painting , an appeal for a re-establishment of the link between human beings and the rest of nature .
17 One solution is to set the glass back as much as a foot and to use thick , matured timber mullions to break up the surface .
18 The other is enclosed by a chimney of mud and stones that may stand as much as a foot tall .
19 They were very rarely disturbed , at least by foreigners , since to hire a donkey cost a foreigner as much as a cab and pair of horses .
20 She went away blithely , the clipboard again in place : a habit , I supposed , as much as a defence .
21 Yields on well-let properties , even in the glutted City of London office market , have fallen by as much as a percentage point over the past six months .
22 There is a phase preceding death — perhaps moments before , perhaps even as much as a year before — when the individual life seems to dissolve and to begin to be absorbed back into the collective life .
23 Santa Cruz Inc 's chief executive officer Larry Michels ' decision to retire maybe as much as a year ago has not run smoothly , with the ensuing hunt for a successor failing to snare a likely replacement .
24 The average stay is five to six months , but sometimes it may be as much as a year .
25 Oxford Crown court heard that the 4 year old girl who weighed only as much as a toddler half her age was found covered in bruises and under nourished .
26 So it 's , it 's wrong to see it as a centre local conflict as much as a conflict between the states about public goods , public projects and er and various kinds of freebies .
27 Grouping children was an organizational device as much as a teaching approach , a way of maximizing the opportunities for productive teacher-child interaction as well as a means of encouraging cooperation among the children and flexibility in curriculum .
28 ‘ Are we not driven every bit as much as a master drives his servants ? ’
29 If it makes you feel any happier , I will tell you that it did not cost me as much as a bouquet of flowers would have done .
30 But it is difficult to measure the effort in military and social co-ordination which such isolated outposts must have required : they were a liability just as much as a help .
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