Example sentences of "as large as [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There had never been enough personnel to form anything as large as a squadron .
2 This huge opening in the moor , as large as a tennis court , has been caused by a collapse of the surface coming to rest in a debris of fallen boulders twenty to thirty feet lower .
3 The likely profit for most individuals is likely to be as large as a percentage point or two in the wage settlement made by their unions , or offered by their employer .
4 Some of these guns were on the top of the submarine pens , others were on concrete towers as large as a couple of houses but far more strongly built .
5 The way Pomiane chose to convey the necessary quantity to his listeners — he must have been a compelling radio talker — and later to his readers was in terms of " a bunch as large as a bunch of violets " .
6 ‘ It is as large as a galaxy itself and may be the original material of a potential star system that never really formed , ’ says Terzian .
7 Frogs , lizards and small mammals are all hunted on the ground ; and the largest rattlesnakes , such as the diamondbacks , which may exceed 2 m ( 6l/2 ft ) in length , feed on animals as large as a hare .
8 This was the archaic picture of a king ten times as large as a noble , a noble ten times as large as a merchant — and so on down to the almost imperceptible peasant woman .
9 The road gradually descends into kinder surroundings , the sight of trees being welcome after the barren crossing from Gruinard , and arrives at a car park as large as a football field , usually well patronised by cars and coaches and obviously indicating the presence of a major attraction .
10 My hand was as large as a football and throbbed with a pain that extended to the shoulder blade .
11 A knight broke through on his way to a local joust or tournament , his steel codpiece carved as large as a bull 's whilst the helmet which swung from his saddle bow was fashioned in the macabre mask of a hangman .
12 It seems likely that there was a greater abundance of water in the past , though it is unlikely ever to have been as large as the abundance of water on the Earth .
13 By the end of the American war its establishment , which had been 2,738 in 1714 , had risen to 4,910 — twice as large as the rest of the financial administration .
14 By 1872 the free coloured population in Brazil was almost three times as large as the slave population , and even among pure Negroes the two groups were almost equal in number .
15 Not all problems have gone away of course : yesterday 's £6.4 billion public sector borrowing requirement is not much higher than expectations , but it is almost as large as the deficit for the previous 11 months and — with this year 's deficit forecast to be double last year 's — shows why the Bank of England so eagerly sold £2 billion or more of gilts on election night and why it needs a regular stream of massive sales .
16 He was ‘ virtually the general of a powerful and willing army and if he is a wise man , his opportunities for good will be as large as the sphere he occupies ’ .
17 The display territory must be at least as large as the floor area of your tank — and so yours undoubtedly supposes that any female who visits him is ready to spawn .
18 Note that the orbit is only as large as the Sun 's diameter and in addition the separation r of the stars varies by a factor over any orbit .
19 They reminded him of the ignominious episode of the oath-taking , and pointed out that Rodrigo now had a personal ‘ army ’ almost as large as the King 's .
20 An interferometer swung around by the Earth 's rotation will ‘ synthesise ’ a dish as large as the separation of the two telescopes .
21 The cloud is 20 times as large as the dust veil from the Mount St Helens eruption , and very rich in sulphur dioxide and sulphuric acid droplets produced as the sulphur dioxide reacts with water vapour .
22 Fig 1 is a printout direct from the Creation 6 screen , but should be much too large to transfer direct to the console as its total number of bits is 180 × 176 = 31,680 , twice as large as the number of bits available in stitch pattern area memory .
23 The chamber was almost as large as the cavern above in which the Germans had built their base .
24 THE ryanodine receptor ( RYR ) is almost twice as large as the inositol trisphosphate receptor ( IP 3 R ) .
25 It is not as large as the wheel at Rotherfield Greys ( q.v. ) but is sometimes put in operation with a donkey , as a tourist attraction .
26 ‘ Oh , I used the old illustration : a ball of steel as large as the world , a fly alighting on it once every million years .
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