Example sentences of "as [adj] as the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , the lyrics , some of which are spoken by a seven-year-old , are annoyingly political and can be as unbelievable as the band 's promotional literature .
2 Gambon relishes the Mafia boss routine and the scene where he gives Luciano his famous scar is somewhat offputting — but not as stomach-turning as the sight of a mad dog rival of Lucky 's biting off a hoodlum 's nose , then cutting out another 's tongue .
3 Bargain set menus change with the market and are the best choice : Connaught-trained chef whisks up ultra-light leek terrine layered like lasagne , heaps of appley duck with green pasta tower , and neatly balanced fish casserole a la Dieppoise ; there 's also a meaty crab tart ( £3.95 ) and a choc pave as rich as the neighbourhood .
4 PENNED-IN by steel barriers between a noisy crowd of gay liberationists and the lonely emissary of the oppressed African Dinkas , few of the street-corner causes besieging this week 's conference seem as hopeless as the campaign for Labour to organise in Ulster .
5 The duty to protest is as undeniable as the need .
6 Despite its boulevards in the north , the city was never as monotonous as the centre of Paris after Baron Haussmann had really got down to work on it in the 1860s .
7 In every isolated basin of the plateau the life led by the common people day after day was as monotonous as the climate and the landscape ; and everything that deviated from the ordinary , everything strange or unforeseen , was regarded as supernatural .
8 Billy Dann 's office was long and narrow , almost as narrow as the desk placed across it just in front of the window , but very high because it had been partitioned out of a much bigger room .
9 the stuff he uses is ve is n't as caustic as the stuff we
10 A third of its men were new recruits who had seen no fighting , almost another third had seen as little as the Colonel , while only the rest , like d'Alembord , had actually faced a French army in open battle .
11 The hunger that made Charlie , Charlot , chew the boiled slices of boot , moustache toing and froing under his nose , I understood as well or as little as the hunger of the grown-ups around me , my mother eating the woodworms along with the oats and the silence as everybody stopped to watch her .
12 Amaranth Wilikins for lunch , Angela Cartwright and Co. for dinner : Grunte hoped that the one would prove as profitable as the other .
13 Pei 's openness uses the outside so that it seems as inviting as the interior .
14 And what makes me admit that I 'm as hapless as the biography to the left suggests ?
15 Paula Milne 's decision to dramatise these events in book and play form is as admirable as the decision to make ‘ Walter ’ and undoubtedly with equally noble intent .
16 Why do certain images matter to one , and why is the desire to answer this question as involuntary as the response itself ?
17 Abstracts are intended to be as concise as the nature of a particular topic being dealt with allows and not to be detailed rule-books dealing with every conceivable circumstance . ’
18 Using records of oral history from these two districts , Gilmour ( 1988 ) has shown that tree cover has actually increased on private farmland over the last 20 years and while there is still an overall loss of forest it is not as acute as the HEDT suggests .
19 Labour 's local government spokesman , David Blunkett , has warned that the council tax is already showing signs of becoming as controversial as the poll tax .
20 They are not as professional as the force in Paris or London .
21 The people who heard the rumour and did not take any action are as guilty as the man who used the clenbuteriol .
22 What good is a mason whose arm — mark this ! — whose arm is shrivelled to nothing — as thin as a chicken 's neck it was — as weak as the dribble from a baby 's chin .
23 It is as shameful as the use of drugs in sport .
24 ‘ He 's as upset as the rest of us , naturally . ’
25 Everything had associations — Dorothy 's , Edward 's , given by so-and-so , bought on a particular holiday , left behind by relative or friend ; Helen saw an insistent kaleidoscope of references , shimmering tiresomely behind the garments and the implements , as ineradicable as the blackberry stains on a sleeve or the ingrained mud on everything .
26 I should have been as timid as the girl herself , if she had looked at me !
27 If it sticks — a big if , considering the Israeli government 's one-vote majority and Arafat 's internal power struggle — the prospect of peace in the Middle East is as momentous as the collapse of Soviet Communism .
28 The longed-for mistress of his heart was in his arms at last , soft and apparently willing , and if her lovemaking was as fiery as the rest of her , what delights might he not taste ?
29 Added to this was an acceptance of liberal Victorian culture to such a degree that it was assumed to be as eternal as the gospel itself .
30 Not quite as Cambrian as the Pineapple Instant Whip .
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