Example sentences of "try work out [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Laura frowned , glancing swiftly up at his tanned features , and she tried to work out the family ramifications .
2 As I lay back on my bed I tried to work out the connection between him and the British Empire and Fresnes gaol , but could make nothing of it .
3 Peter Snyman at Random Century says that a third South African lawyer telephoned him offering the autobiography ( he also says that his company never signed a contract with Ayob , though they did try to work out a deal ) .
4 We are not going to enquire into the details how such beams can be produced ( it belongs to the subject of physical electronics ) ; we shall accept the fact that the beam exists and will try to work out the forces on the outermost electrons .
5 Landowners ca n't do exactly what they want for a start , and if they intend to do anything which might damage the site they have to inform the Nature Conservancy Council in writing and try to work out a compromise .
6 try to work out a pattern that is varied and fun
7 As defence-industry consultants try to work out the consequences , some predictions are unchanged .
8 If you try working out the return on a single room , using the well-known 1:1,000 room rate:room cost ratio , assuming a realistic annual occupancy rate ( say 65 per cent ) and providing for interest and tax , you will realize that it could take several decades to recover the original cost .
9 The church planting team must be willing to seek God and support its leader as he tries to work out the programme as he proceeds : this calls for patience !
10 My tired brain is trying to work out a response which it 's failing to do at the moment .
11 According to press reports , the experts are trying to work out a compromise solution under which the Danube 's water would be divided between the old river bed and the new canal .
12 Anybody who 's still trying to work out the story about the wreath and the river , there was n't any point to it .
13 It says : ‘ I am sure that there must be a right-wing think-tank somewhere , trying to work out the possibility of privatising air so that only those who can afford to pay can breathe . ’
14 He went on staring at the television screen , not listening to the next item , but trying to work out the puzzle .
15 His mind was still trying to work out the puzzle she had set him .
16 So in the past few weeks Mr Yavlinsky , Vladimir Shcherbakov , the Soviet minister in charge of economics , and Yevgeny Primakov , an aide to Mr Gorbachev , have all visited America trying to work out the terms of an aid-for-economic-reform package .
17 ‘ I du n no why yer put up wi' it , ’ he sternly admonished the Captain , who was trying to work out the batting order on the back of his chequebook .
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