Example sentences of "try at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A young man called Tepilit ole paramat , the laibon 's brother , tried at the last minute to withdraw one of his cattle from the sale .
2 Paul Newlove , a Featherstone player who did gain a place in this week 's Test squad , scored the first try at the other end , following Barry Drummond 's kick .
3 The people who run them shops ought to be tried at the Old Bailey and given years of 'ard labour .
4 When Emmeline Pankhurst was tried at the Old Bailey in April she drew attention to the white slavery issue in her speech from the dock .
5 Arrested and charged with embezzlement , he was tried at the Old Bailey but was released on his own recognizance of £100 , after making an offer of compensation .
6 But in 1953 the authorities solemnly sought to destroy copies of " The Kinsey Report " , and in 1956 a number of respectable publishers — Secker and Warburg , Heinemann and Hutchinsons — were all tried at the Old Bailey for " horrible tendencies " discovered in their current fiction lists .
7 Other systems also being tried at the same time included dehydration and injection techniques , the latter to be perfected by a surgeon called Ruysch ( 1665–1717 ) , Professor of Anatomy at Amsterdam .
8 Then I shall examine some criticisms of the monist position from a pluralist point of view , trying at the same time to bring out the presuppositions that underly such criticisms and showing that a clarification of these presuppositions demands a critical exploration of certain new philosophical topics that have not been touched on hitherto .
9 His young master brought him in repeatedly and I went through the motions , trying at the same time to make it clear that it was all hopeless .
10 The Guildsmen leapt out of his path , trying at the same time to bend a reverent knee .
11 He stood with his back to the fire , dominating the room and as if trying at the same time to dominate Sarella 's thoughts .
12 It was also a triumph over the devil , who was thought to be particularly active at death-beds , either gloating over the sinner who was about to fall into his clutches , or trying at the last moment to snatch a soul in the throes of fear or doubt .
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