Example sentences of "try [to-vb] through [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He tittered nervously as he tried to see through the glare of the flames .
2 And I , foolish man , felt so rebuffed that I hardly ever tried to go through the barriers .
3 She closed her door quietly , regretting not leaving the Polo on the road , and tried to sneak through the back way to her room .
4 Scuffles ensued when the demonstrators tried to break through a police cordon preventing them from marching to the tomb of the unknown soldier .
5 Trouble erupted outside the factory gates as buses carrying workers hired to replace the 340 Timex staff sacked at the end of January , tried to break through the picket line .
6 Under police guard the members of the new union tried to break through the picket line formed by the first union , with fierce clashes taking place …
7 She tried to pray through the fever , feeling her head trapped in a web of red-hot wires , but there was no sign of them .
8 Instead Rosa waited in church before the eleven o'clock Mass , in the side chapel of the Madonna of the Spasm , and tried to pray through the minutes that seemed to haul themselves onwards through time as if anvils were strapped to their feet .
9 The former soldier grew even angrier when he tried to cut through the metal with the hacksaw but failed .
10 Children often notice differences in size when they play , when , for instance , they fit themselves under a table or try to crawl through a hoop .
11 ‘ I shall take Rosie or Violet and try to get through the drifts and reach Aumery Park Farm . ’
12 Tommy Gilmour , Clinton 's manager , said last night : ‘ Pat had tried to go through the pain barrier and keep his injury from me but I have taken the decision to withdraw him after consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon . ’
13 Lord Jenkins was critical of the way the college governors had tried to push through the change without consulting under-graduates .
14 A grooved machete over the actor 's real arm took care of his struggles while she tries to cut through the bone ; and the last stage was a false severed arm and stump , with tubes for gushing blood .
15 It is information which is vital to any councillor who is trying to go through the analysis of cost centre by cost centre of the expenditures of this council and as such it 's vital that this information is available to us not only by combing through all the relevant minutes and in er minutes of committees that have taken place but paraded together in one place for us all and members of the public to be able to get access to it .
16 Now you 're trying to walk through the mirror , and it is n't going to work . ’
17 A BERLIN judge yesterday dropped a charge of attempted murder against an East German border guard who was photographed pointing his pistol at men trying to flee through the Berlin Wall in 1989 .
18 Trying to sleep through a hurricane in n it ?
19 When they were still two miles away his headlights caught a half-naked figure trying to scramble through a hedge .
20 There was a slight flurry of falling snow , but the weather was good and a wintry moon was trying to break through the clouds .
21 I found Jo in the hall trying to get through the scrum of people to the kitchen .
22 So I think erm , just a combination of trying to get through the week can be a sort of depression for many women .
23 ‘ Rather than most people sitting waiting at airports — reading a book , desperately trying to get through the time , I was trying to capture the kind of hell they were going through .
24 ‘ Rather than most people sitting waiting at airports — reading a book , desperately trying to get through the time , I was trying to capture the kind of hell they were going through .
25 While trying to get through the perimeter they were discovered by a German patrol , but in a flash of pure genius , one of the Frenchmen feigned a drunken snore .
26 The government is desperately trying to push through a package of new measures to combat organised crime , including laws that will permit undercover policemen to infiltrate gangs and commit crimes as part of their duties .
27 Labour claims the council is trying to push through the changes quickly to limit negotiations on the principles .
28 ‘ Trying to talk to you is like trying to charge through a brick wall .
29 Blake screwed up his eyes , trying to peer through the fog .
30 Only Leila noticed Roirbak 's quick glance upwards , as if he was trying to peer through the ceiling .
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