Example sentences of "try [to-vb] the [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well , we 're going to try to provide the first steps towards uniformity .
2 She held the envelope to the light , squinting at it with one eye while she tried to read the first paragraph .
3 As Bernice tried to read the next line , Ell moved forward and stamped on the creature .
4 ( If you tried to swap the last column of a table without doing so you would jumble up your text )
5 Sweden tried to take the first initiative only two days after the ending of the Maudling negotiations , inviting other states to send representatives to Stockholm to discuss how their trade policies might be better coordinated .
6 In later years he was once asked whether he , who was shy , was anguished when forced to go out visiting homes in Liverpool and to try to make the first touch with a strange family .
7 Cutter crews based in the north usually see Fair Isle as a faint blur through misty rain or flying spray , or in darkness and fog as a characteristic shape on the radar screen as they try to beat the next gale to Shetland , or conversely , back to Orkney .
8 Conference organisers may well be cutting their own throats in the long run if they try to wring the last penny ( or cent ) out of the latest bandwagons .
9 And as I moved my foot about , like this , trying to find the next rung , I began to realize things were n't quite right .
10 And I was going like this doing a little dance on the ladder trying to find the next rung and the ladder was doing a little dance on the wall .
11 As well as looking messy , this means that trying to find the next step in the process is somewhat disruptive of the reading process , and hence , possibly , to retention of the information .
12 Computerworld interprets IBM 's willingness to make public its plans for OS/2 3.0 as the latest advance in the clash with Microsoft Corp : having lost out in the personal computer operating system game , where OS/2 is lagging far behind compared with MS-DOS and Windows , IBM is trying to position the next generation OS/2 competitively against Microsoft 's forthcoming NT operating system .
13 Since then he had been trying to write the second book .
14 His mind was n't up to speaking one line while listening to another , and at the same time trying to remember the next move .
15 If you were skilled the card flew to the back of the pavement and the next player threw , trying to cover the first card with his .
16 The term he had spent at school trying to understand the first thing about physics had been wasted .
17 Or you could be sensible and stop trying to squeeze the last drop of current from the transformer !
18 I found myself fronting various current affairs programmes , striving for impeccable balance when the wily professional politicians were at loggerheads in the studio , each trying to have the last word and score the final point .
19 Barns were supposed to have hay in them — they did in the movies — where the hero could hide while the baddies , with a total disregard for blood poisoning or spread HIV , jabbed a pitchfork in and out like a demented barman trying to get the last maraschino out of the bottle .
20 Well as usual we could n't remember the last time you came , I was trying to think the last time
21 All he could feel was his body , trying to anticipate the next touch .
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