Example sentences of "try [to-vb] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Finding himself in some difficulties , with his ship seized by order of the customs commissioners in Edinburgh , Bailie Hooks offered to try to carry the burgh of Wigtown for the candidate favoured by the Duke of Argyll in return for some ready cash and the expectation of assistance with the Court of Exchequer .
2 I tried to banish the idea of a drowned Shelley by conjuring up the memory of Mary stepping into Lake Geneva and looking back at me over her shoulder ; instead came a more ferocious image — that of a gigantic man leaping towards me : not the best picture to help one through these present circumstances .
3 David Lodge , whose Changing Places ( 1975 ) and Small World ( 1984 ) are among the best of the Higher Education narratives , admits that Nice Work was the novel with which he consciously tried to lose the name of campus novelist .
4 ‘ I was on the other end of the question for most of my life as a British Telecom customer manager , and I always tried to see the view of the underdog , because there is just a chance he might be right , ’ he said .
5 I wanted to put a a morning on when I realised there was problems here just a morning an open morning which would of brought probably nine hundred thousand pounds into this building , in July I came in to try to see the Director of the playhouse I could n't go through the written way because I was waiting for exam date to come through .
6 As happened on almost every occasion when he tried to preach the gospel of Hitlerian Fascism , a man in the crowd suggested that if Joyce thought Nazi Germany such a wonderful place , he ought to go there instead of trying to import its political system into England .
7 In order to observe this and to try to understand something of what life in the movement was like at first hand — and , of course , to try to observe the operation of sociological variables such as social control — I lived for several periods of a week or so , over a span of six years , in Unification centres and participated in various of their functions .
8 The slaughterhouse of the capital city tried to establish the origins of the animals it accepted , but with little success .
9 At a post-crisis discussion between Mikoian and a State Department official , Mikoian was ‘ clearly influenced by commitments to Castro to make a strong case on Castro 's behalf ’ and tried to establish the idea of a protocol signed by all three countries ‘ [ attaching ] a good deal of significance to Cuba being one of the signatories ’ .
10 Police were last night waiting to examine the wreckage of the car , a Vauxhall Cavalier , as they tried to establish the cause of the accident .
11 The designer was Margaret Kaye , who had just had an exhibition of collages made with fabric , and she used a similar technique to try to provide the mixture of fantasy and realism needed to match the ballet .
12 We have to have recourse to what Stenning calls ‘ abnormal ’ contexts , where the analyst reads the text and then has to try to provide the characteristics of the context in which the text might have occurred .
13 But some nineteenth-century naturalists tried to minimize the significance of adaptation .
14 Although President Carlos Saúl Menem tried to minimize the scale of the defeat , it was generally seen as a severe reverse both for his government and for menemismo , a flamboyant style of administration now associated with scandal and corruption [ see pp. 37959 ; 38144 ; 38674 ; 38719 ] .
15 Both were directed towards the formalist reading of literary texts , and some anglophone academics tried to minimize the strangeness of French imports by saying that la nouvelle critique was only offering a new version of what had long been familiar in the Anglo-American academy .
16 With the UN Earth Summit due to open in Rio in early June , the government tried to minimize the impact of the crisis , describing it as a domestic matter .
17 Secondly , to try to increase the validity of inter-racial comparison we decided to compare arrest rates of Black , Asian and White males who lived in the same small areas .
18 A campaign 's been launched to try to increase the number of Barn Owls in the region .
19 It is obviously much harder to establish an indication of the eventual size and temperament of a cross-bred ( mongrel ) dog , compared with a pedigree ( pure-bred ) animal , and so you will need to try to discover the parentage of a puppy of this type .
20 Mr Rosie , who has since resigned from the council , had contacted Orkney and Shetland MP Jim Wallace and the Scottish Office to try to discover the cause of the delay in settling the matter .
21 Inspector Nigel Rock of Walsall police said a reconstruction of the accident would be staged to try to discover the cause of the ‘ absolute tragedy ’ .
22 During the same period Mosley tried to increase the quality of his followers too .
23 These were intended to be interim arrangements only , and further negotiations took place to try to establish the bases of a more lasting political union .
24 Again , however , it is important to try to establish the cause of the condition , which is most common in the case of dogs which have not been properly socialized early in life .
25 Erm so the Communist Party , to try to counter this sort of erm advance of the rich peasant economy which they saw was getting a bit too far , tried to encourage the formation of mutual aid teams erm but they were very , there were problems in that in erm the implementation of this because peasants were unwilling to share their tools , they were n't compensated for it .
26 As Acheson had remarked in 1952 , the world had moved on too far for Churchill and Eden to try to revive the sort of personal ties which had existed with President Roosevelt during the Second World War — this would be " a classical example of the wrong way to do things " .
27 Please remember that the programme has to try to meet the expectations of eight different Regions/Nations , the Overseas Groups , Sector interests eg. Fund-Raising , Communications , not to mention the visitors themselves .
28 The second is to be prepared to try to meet the objections of those affected by alternative arrangements .
29 Preston bundled her into her coat and tried to hide the rest of her clothes inside his jacket .
30 He tried to hide the crease of worry on his features , but when she asked him whether the debtors had given him extra time he frowned and shook his head .
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