Example sentences of "try [to-vb] the [noun pl] at " in BNC.

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1 I HAVE TWICE SEEN the Australians try to beat the Poms at Wembley .
2 We were watching in case the Tans would try to infiltrate the lakes at night .
3 Always try to put the interviewees at ease .
4 Then they try to market the not-sogoods at a slightly cheaper price .
5 Mustakimzade alone of the biographers tries to identify the medreses at which Fahreddin Acemi taught , naming two : the Darulhadis of Mehmed Sah Fenari , presumably a ( though none of the standard biographical sources mentions that he made such a benefaction nor is any such medrese or darulhadis mentioned in Baltaci 's and the Darulhadis of Murad II in Edirne .
6 He 's just as likely to be found talking to a six-strong student society in Bangor as addressing 500 top Earth scientists in Washington ; he will have a drink with ( and on ) me just as readily ( or so he makes it appear ) as he will have lunch with ( and no doubt on ) the director of the US National Science Foundation ; if he 's not corresponding with some editor over some esoteric point of science , he 's trying to persuade the high-ups at the European Space Agency to do something adventurous in planetology for a change .
7 ‘ Hello , darling , ’ he called waving with his right hand while trying to keep the dogs at bay with his left .
8 People root for pianists as though they were football teams , hoping that one will really make the most of the commissioned piece , trying to nobble the judges at parties to announce that someone 's interpretation of Brahms has changed their hearts and souls .
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