Example sentences of "never [vb pp] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Fem Sap has never recognized the sort of hierarchy which says that only published authors , or professors of literature , have something worth saying .
2 It may also be true , as Clinton says , that he has never broken the laws of his country .
3 She claimed she had never realised the significance of the tape , which she played for the first time ‘ weeks later ’ .
4 This is analogous to the claim Gandhi makes in an address he gave to Christian missionaries , namely , that ‘ many men who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ or have even rejected the official interpretation of Christianity would probably , if Jesus came into our midst today … be owned by him more than many of us … ’
5 He feels his purpose in life is to spread the Christian religion in unexplored places where the people have never heard the word of God .
6 None of them could disagree that it was a species of tyranny that left an unhappy debtor to the mercy of a remorseless creditor whose affluence prevented him from knowing the sorrows of adversity and who , nursed in the lap of plenty , had never heard the call of hunger or knew the cry of distress .
7 ‘ My child has never heard the sound of laughter , ’ said the woman , ‘ and I do n't want him to die without hearing it . ’
8 There was always a rumour that Noreen had had a baby to an Italian , but they had never heard the truth of it in Ireland .
9 And Caroline , who had never developed the art of flirting , behaved as if it came as naturally to her as breathing .
10 ‘ The patients were never given the opportunity of the unit 's expertise and facilities . ’
11 He 'd never given the impression of being a dog lover .
12 The small Year Niner usually looks a bit blank — possibly because she has never considered the possibility of either heaven OR hell lying at the foot of the ropes in the sports hall — and responds with a vague , ‘ Uh ? ’
13 He realized with a vicious clarity that he had never considered the possibility of discovery .
14 And yet I am pretty sure that Harold and his military advisers have never considered the use of black propaganda or subversive organisations to put pressure on Smith . ’
15 The crusade against the cinema had never caught the imagination of the parish since he had launched it with such lofty aspirations five — or was it six ? — months ago .
16 He soon became fluent in Welsh and has never forgotten the basics of the language , despite his move to Irby on the Wirral where he lives with his wife Beryl .
17 I 've never forgotten the lessons of that night : the abseils from doubtful anchors , my refusal to stop when the torch packed up , our failure to coil up the rope properly , and the lack of faith in our ability to survive a bivouac .
18 He has never forgotten the poverty of his childhood — when he used to sit on packing cases at home and eat meals of toast and milk .
19 The Zemsky sobor , whose role in decision-making had never approached the status of a right , disappeared altogether .
20 He had never enjoyed the thought of making love in a standing position since the embarrassment he had suffered on the last occasion , about a year before .
21 Jacopo della Quercia has never enjoyed the popularity of his fellow sculptors Ghiberti and Donatello , and his works have not been favoured by time .
22 But the Princess Royal has never enjoyed the grandeur of formal royal occasions and the second time round she will most likely go for something along the lines of the more relaxed and comfortable clothes that she usually favours .
23 For it remains a curious anomaly that although the marathon has been the classic test of long distance endurance throughout nearly a century of Olympic history , the fastest timings have never enjoyed the status of world records .
24 Let him who has never lifted the seam of a cricket ball cast the first stone . ’
25 Police have never solved the disappearance of three other youngsters who vanished without trace on bank holidays within a 50-mile radius of the same area in North Norfolk .
26 The relatively cumbersome medium of microfilm has never presented the sort of opportunities now presented by digitisation , for bringing together collections of complementary material which have been physically separated for decades or even centuries .
27 Some doctors feel that all women being treated for candidiasis should have this treatment , even if they have never suffered the symptoms of vaginal thrush .
28 Wherever Jews were to be found — whether in the Holy Land or in the far-flung Diaspora — his name had become a household word as one of the select band of zealots whose spirit had never relinquished the hope of one day setting up a Jewish state in Palestine .
29 I had never met the head of governors , Dr Arnold Barton , though I had seen him at several functions , a thin , tall , stern-faced , lantern-jawed streak of a man who rarely seemed to smile .
30 ‘ We have never met the expectations of analysts , but a lot of industries have n't , ’ says the company 's sales director , Peter Mills .
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