Example sentences of "never [vb past] his [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now , but he forgot to tell the police so unfortunately for p poor old Bill he never got his name in history .
2 Wayne never found his rhythm on his serve and he did not get into the match until he broke me at 5–3 , but I did good enough to win , ’ said the 24-year-old 1991 Wimbledon champion .
3 Clive never fulfilled his ambition of becoming a real American police officer .
4 No , John insisted , I must come home , and home he went , but never told his father about the experience .
5 Harold Macmillan , for example , never forgot his experience as an MP in the economically depressed north-east of England in the 1930s .
6 Drew never forgot his rapport with the English , and a penchant for their way of life enticed him once again .
7 But they are being rather generous ; whatever Beccaria may have privately thought or hinted at , he never developed his position on these matters .
8 However , he never relinquished his passion for anatomy and , urged on by John Hunter , amassed an amazing collection of specimens , the most celebrated of which was the body of Miss Hannah Beswick , later known as the Manchester Mummy .
9 Stephen never lost his temper with her , but with others …
10 Corbett told polic that he never lost his temper with the child and never smacked her .
11 The painter Vlaminck maintained that Modi never lost his quality of distinction : ‘ I knew Modigliani well .
12 Tolkien in other words never lost his belief in the reality and continuity , not only of language and of history , but of human nature and of some intellectual problems .
13 Perhaps the classic case of this sort was William Foot Whyte 's study Street Comer Society where he became a quasi-gang member but never lost his status of researcher .
14 He never wore his turban at home , which always gave Hoomey a jolt of surprise , seeing the knee-length black hair coiled on top of his head , skewered in place with a comb .
15 Maybe his life in Attleborough afforded him insulation from the rigours of inner city life , but he never understood his colour to be an obstacle .
16 These could be the positive side of your parents ' shortcomings , eg a young man may have noticed that his father never took his mother into consideration when purchasing the family car .
17 Burton never disguised his respect for what money would bring .
18 There was a genuine dilemma and conservatives like Spurgeon could , if they had wanted , cite a famous precedent : St Francis of Assisi never disguised his hostility towards learning yet , within a few years of his death , his new Order was dominating much of Europe 's University life .
19 He almost never discussed his work with her , while she , like many other progressive people , regarded the law as a sinister conspiracy to defraud the laity .
20 If she put an ashtray in the wrong place , she 'd get beaten up ; if she never put his paper in the right place , she 'd get beaten up ; if he came in from work and his dinner was n't on the table , she 'd get beaten up .
21 The ensuing conversation was unintelligible to Gina but it was very noticeable that her abrasive host never removed his gaze from her expectant face , as if he still harboured doubts about her purpose there , and , if his deepening frown was anything to judge from , the news was n't going to be good .
22 He was a great doctor , a super man but he never stamped his authority on the board , ’ said one former colleague .
23 But it is also important to remember that the object of the 1790 visit was really Switzerland , traditionally the land of liberty ; Wordsworth never retracted his belief in the ideals of Switzerland , which helps to explain why , when France threatened Swiss independence in the late 1790s , it was necessary for him to make a decisive choice .
24 Oh yes er I think somebody kept it around father 's day , a chap named , but it was a beautiful old place and he always , because my father always used to erm start off about seven o'clock in the morning to walk down to Walkers and er call in at the White Hart because they were open at six o'clock in the morning , for a rum and coffee for about tuppence or thruppence , then he always used to er go to his mother 's for his breakfast and er he used to go down and see all the men start off and then , then slip over to his mother 's , she lived on the Road and er she , for years and years this went on that he had his break he never had his breakfast at home he 'd start off going down there and come back to his mother 's , but he always stopped at the White Hart for his rum and coffee
25 Old Mahu was on duty , and he never left his shelter by the main gate , once he was sure that everyone was asleep .
26 Never left his room in that time .
27 He had become a naturalized Englishman , but he never carried his anglophilia to the point of being puritan , or even respectable .
28 His technical command of artistic processes never obscured his sense of humour .
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