Example sentences of "problem [that] [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The DRO can follow up a placement to discuss any problems that may arise between the disabled worker and his employer .
2 Staff who are capable of giving assistance on any problems that may arise in the use of the system should be available on the telephone at any time during normal working hours .
3 It also considers problems that may arise in using video with teacher trainees .
4 The problems that may arise from an individual pupil 's needs must also be addressed , and possible solutions proffered .
5 In a subsequent discussion on 23 March , MacArthur advocated an early peace conference despite the problems that would arise from Soviet obstruction .
6 Some want the rotation requirement to apply to all companies , regardless of the problems that would cause for smaller practices ; others want it kept to listed and other public interest clients .
7 He might have foreseen the problems that would ensue after their marriage , seen that there was a gulf between Charles and Diana that would be difficult to bridge and advised against it .
8 Let us just accept that the inclusion of education within social policy is the consequence of a comparatively arbitrary decision by the author , and move on to look at the difficult problems that would have to be faced if we were to define social policy in terms of public expenditure which contributes to public welfare .
9 We should , however , recognise the problems that might arise as a result and make sure that we do not misinterpret any problem .
10 Seventhly , if the German states were to express themselves for initiating movement toward German unity , would they be ready to take into consideration the interests of other European states and to seek , on a mutually acceptable collective basis , answers to all questions and problems that might arise in that regard ?
11 The more volatile the shares , the greater the capital requirement which has a corollary with risk weighted assets for banks — the greater the riskiness of the assets , the greater the capital requirement and counterparty capital is used to cover any problems that might occur during settlement procedures .
12 EXPERIENCE shows that contractors will build a contingency into their tender which caters for problems that might occur during the project .
13 There appears to be no policy in relation to dementia either from the point of view of the sufferer or the problems that might follow for other owner-occupiers .
14 Comment in particular on the sort of problems that could arise in translation from differences in the way the notion in question is expressed in the two languages .
15 We can now deal with the main problems that could arise in the new community care system .
16 The statement added the IAAF had stressed the serious problems that could arise from interference by civil courts , and such interference posed a grave risk and could ‘ create serious damage to major sports everywhere , particularly in the US for the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 . ’ .
17 He invited the Committee to Pay particular attention to the role of the party group in decision-taking , problems that could arise from councillors ' conflicts of interest , the merits of full-time councillors , and the relationships of officers to councillors and political groups ( Widdicombe 1986:17 ) .
18 Several hon. Gentlemen referred to the problems that will result from the increased throughput of passengers .
19 We are helping with some specific problems that will occur in the run-down , such as the expansion of the former military hospital at Dharan .
20 A senior official from the Forestry Office has acknowledged that " official decisions are needed now to address the problems that will emerge in 20 years " .
21 Margaret of Carlisle , 47 , was widowed two years ago and knew at first hand the financial problems that can arise from the sudden death of a loved one and the trauma of finding that her partner was inadequately insured .
22 We fully realise the problems that can arise from buying a secondhand vehicle but a new minibus with facilities for helping the disabled would cost £16,000 .
23 And gender relationships may be subject to the problems that can arise from conflicting discourses about femininity or masculinity .
24 Unfortunately some users are taught that they need to create frames for everything and the problems that can arise from having one set of frames interact with another make you wonder how anybody ever manages to produce a correctly aligned publication .
25 His enthusiastic and entrepreneurial promotion of these studies , however , was combined with a political naïvety that blinded him to the problems that can arise from reliance on external sources of funding in politically charged fields of study .
26 Let us look in more detail at the difficulties inherent for everyone in appropriate penetration and then at the problems that can arise in marriage when these are or an extreme nature .
27 One of the problems that can develop through the feeding of wild animals is that of dependency , particularly in the case of those animals which live in urban areas where natural foraging opportunities are few and far between .
28 Tony Benn is clearly not able to resolve the position of the monarchy within our system but he highlights a problem that may need to be confronted at some point in the future .
29 This is a typical problem that would come into one of our advice centres where a consumer has bought something , f failed to get any satisfaction from the shop and then has gone to the advice centre to er has found and tries to find the nearest Citizen 's Advice Bureau or Advice Centre to try to get advice .
30 The next problem that might occur to our engineer is the following .
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