Example sentences of "over her [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His mouth played on her face , brushing her throat , her eyes , moving over her skin like fire , back to her mouth again .
2 Rosa had been crying then , with the pieces of the plate her mother had tried to smash over her head in front of her at the table , and her mother had put the back of her hand to her daughter 's cheek , as if to test her for fever .
3 She then attached a long lunging rein which she had brought coiled over her shoulder to Midnight 's noseband .
4 Leith threw over her shoulder in passing , and without pausing to knock she opened the door on her stride and went ‘ straight in ’ .
5 FERGIE is throwing a Christmas party for the people who gave her the courage to get over her fall from grace in the Royal Family .
6 Rhoda took to table-tapping and seances and reported seeing the ghost of Wendy hovering over her bed at night .
7 Mary handed over her parcel of food and treats which Kitty took with a happy nod , grateful for the saving kindness .
8 Once more the blue eyes moved over her body with appreciation , confusing yet exciting her at the same time .
9 Her gaze swept over her mother-in-law from head to toe and back again , and her expression was one of open contempt .
10 ‘ Come on , ’ Annie drawls , glinting over her glass of beer , ‘ stop avoiding the issue , will you ?
11 At that moment Sally knocked over her glass of wine .
12 Dorothea Gilberd had already asked Toby Freely to take over her class in English .
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