Example sentences of "again at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With guests including Opera Restor 'd , Musica Antiqua of London and the American ensemble The Musicians of Swanne Alley running alongside events for children , illustrated lectures , walks , talks and afternoon tea concerts , there will be something for you once again at the 1992 Festival .
2 We meet again at the kneeling place
3 I glance once again at the Dutch movie .
4 But when I looked again at the taut group riveted to the game , now not even speaking , I had my doubts .
5 I would have liked to have heard it again at the second service but Dad made us hurry home .
6 It still ran away from him but he grabbed it again at the second attempt before it went over the line and the chance had gone .
7 We therefore found it necessary to look again at the empirical evidence about what goes on in the nuclear family — Who has the power ?
8 Lt. Mikhail Vologsky stared again at the buff-coloured application form , so meticulously filled out , and so callously rejected .
9 ‘ I should have said no , ’ she muttered , looking yet again at the tiny pile of things she had accumulated .
10 She looked again at the tiny hut .
11 She came full circle around the house , and opened a door to find herself looking up again at the dangling corpse statue .
12 She gazed again at the peaceful scene in front of her until her eyes rested on an old Severn Punt lying high and dry on the foreshore .
13 In June 1917 his paintings were on exhibition again at the improvised gallery in the Rue Huyghens , where Modigliani , Kisling and Zadkine each had a wall with their works displayed .
14 With difficulty she stared up again at the unreachable sky beyond the bars and wire mesh of her cage and though she tried to say more she was unable to , for her wings sagged ever more weakly and she seemed barely able to hold up her head .
15 She looked again at the rear-view mirror and saw that the Audi was turning into a side road , allowing her to go .
16 We opt for The Baker 's Wife at the Phoenix and all vote it a definite winner , and I wonder again at the jaundiced palate of critics who gave it a fair old drubbing when it first trotted out .
17 She looked again at the small girl with bright eyes standing beside her desk so sensible and solemn .
18 And Post Office United will be in action again at the Junior Stadium , Sydenham on Tuesday September 14 , when they take on Belfast Amazons for the Premier Cup .
19 And Post Office United will be in action again at the Junior Stadium , Sydenham on Tuesday September 14 , when they take on Belfast Amazons for the Premier Cup .
20 Then he looked back again at the blinding quayside .
21 Until it 's completely perfected we 'd rather keep it quiet , ’ the Governor said , glaring once again at the other man .
22 Marjorie smiled again at the other woman .
23 The O'Neil double-act started up again at the other end of the church , Denis responding to Paddy .
24 It was to be nine months before we finally emerged again at the other end of the archipelago — shocked , emaciated , but exalted .
25 Look again at the first version of the witness ' testimony and answer the question : What did she eat for breakfast ?
26 I 'm to walk along Crane Street from the city end , turn right at the first corner , right again at the first comer and just keep on like that . ’
27 The dawg will diverge from the node at the end of the head string , and converge again at the first node of the tail string .
28 Max appeared disappointed by the reply as he peered down again at the grisly work on which he was engaged .
29 I hope that this series of articles may have encouraged you to look again at the various stitch patterns which your machine can produce .
30 Down on the beach , marvelling all over again at the sheer sweep of it , Elizabeth took a series of picture-postcard shots .
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