Example sentences of "ask they [subord] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Grunte then asked them whether they had heard the one about the Norwegian woman who had bought her son three shoes , having been told he had grown a foot ; a sally which was met by universal groans .
2 When Model returned with his wife and children , Constable Bedford asked them if they wished to pay the fixed penalty immediately .
3 I stopped two stout middle-aged women carrying laden shopping-bags and asked them if they knew where I could find rooms to rent .
4 Audrey mentioned her Medau teaching and asked them if they knew Coburg .
5 We asked them if they had vomited or abused laxatives and asked them to record their weight on a weekly basis .
6 Woolley called the replacements to one side and asked them if they had flown an SE before .
7 The final question of the Survey questionnaire reminded visitors that catalogues for the Carlyle and MacLean exhibitions were on sale at the Publications Counter , and asked them if they intended to buy one .
8 So I asked them if they needed anyone to help out on Saturdays The guy behind the counter said , we do as it happens but you 'll have to speak to Malcolm when he comes in .
9 An ardent Anglophile , Tritsis used frequently to astonish British journalists with the breadth of his knowledge about Westminster , asking them if they thought Enoch Powell or Tony Benn the more radical figure .
10 I ask them whether they had thought Madonna 's single ‘ Rescue Me ’ — with its ‘ I believe in the power of love ’ line , remarkably familiar in both lyric and tune — was weird .
11 Also contact the housing department of the local authority or new town development corporation in the area you want to move to and ask them whether they have any low-cost home-ownership schemes for first-time buyers .
12 Next , go to see the local planning officer and the building control officer and ask them if they know of anything that might affect the house , and show them your list .
13 Try to be as enthusiastic as possible ( enthusiasm is catching ! ) and take the names of everyone who came and ask them if they know of any other Christians to invite to the next meeting .
14 Ask them if they 've got some wooden
15 I 'm er ve very strongly against smoking and if someone comes to my house and asks if they can smoke , I do say no , and I ask them if they wish to smoke if they would go outside .
16 Nenna struggled against an impulse to rush into the fish and chip shop at the corner , the only shop in the street , and ask them if they had ever seen somebody coming out of number 42b who looked lonely , or indeed if they had ever seen anyone coming out of it at all .
17 ‘ I told him to wear plastic but he said he could n't feel it ’ is reinforced by the line , ‘ ask them if they paid their child support last week ’ .
18 ‘ Go and ask them what they want , then ask them if they want milk and sugar with it , then ask another one the same , and then come back here and get two cups and the biscuits from me .
19 There was one lady called ‘ Toss-Off Kate ’ who used to go round the audience and sit beside various isolated gentlemen and ask them if they wanted to be serviced .
20 Ask them if they deliver and how much will they charge me ?
21 And ask them if they suspect — suspect , not have proof — that Andropulos is engaged in drug-running . ’
22 After a while I realized that nobody had asked them if they wanted or needed to learn management skills .
23 Any problems like that do n't hesitate just join in and jumping ahead on the question of questions all our speakers like you to ask them as they occur to you .
24 She wondered why they slept by day and travelled by night and decided to ask them when they woke up .
25 1938 Caption — ‘ You might ask them if they 've got two ringside seats left ? ’
26 The extra vehicles in the street with their flashing blue lights , had brought some of the neighbours to their doors or bedroom windows and one of the uniforms was designated to go and ask them if they 'd seen anything .
27 You might also ask them if they had a big hi-jacking at the end of May .
28 Unfortunately , the survey did not ask them if they sold the products about which they said they had received insufficient training .
29 What other ways can you ask them if they wan na get the
30 I 'll ask them when they come
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