Example sentences of "over [adj] [noun pl] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I left him with appreciation and went forward into the central dining car where all the actors were sitting in front of coffee cups and poring over typed sheets of stage directions , muttering under their breaths and sometimes exclaiming aloud .
2 We walked on , jumping over trickles of water , squelching through soggy bits , scrambling over dry stands of heather , bouncing off spongy peat , clambering around rocky outcrops .
3 She stared back at him uncomfortably , her mind turning over possible avenues of escape .
4 During the next few days , until the patient can take over some aspects of care himself , nurses are responsible for his care and in particular for his safety .
5 It is understood businessmen in the Holywood , Bangor and Newtownards areas of North Down are coming under increasing pressure from UVF figures to hand over weekly sums of cash .
6 Can property rights extend over these forms of life , as the companies involved in the research claim that they do ?
7 Those ‘ great ’ butlers like Mr Marshall who have it , I am sure , acquired it over many years of self-training and the careful absorbing of experience .
8 Their knowledge ( rules , facts and ideas ) has been acquired by study , investigation , observation and experience over many years of work in a particular domain , i.e. maintenance of a certain type of aircraft system/equipment .
9 ( Totally homogenous capital and labour markets ; constant returns to scale over all ranges of output ; marginal productivity pricing for all factors ; continuously variable relationships between factors over time ; land as an insignificant input . )
10 Nothing is easier than to obey a master who is perhaps exacting , but who rules over all details of life , assures one 's daily bread , and makes it possible to banish all concern from the mind .
11 By the middle of the eighteenth century the Parliament of England first and then Great Britain had established de facto control over all aspects of government .
12 Compare : Encouraged by the success of her early publications , Charlotte Brontë gave over increased amounts of time to writing .
13 Work groups differ from free-forming groups outside employment in that they evolve over long periods of time .
14 Here at last was the starting point for a science that would attempt to explain the present state of the earth and its inhabitants in terms of natural processes acting over long periods of time .
15 Georgi Lozanov 's work is particularly apposite to memory training ; students learn a remarkable number of words at a session , with little or no forgetting over long periods of time .
16 Though involving less spectacular rates of uplift , crustal unloading by denudation is a far more pervasive process which extends over long periods of time , in contrast to the rather transient effects of deglaciation and evaporation of lakes .
17 We think nothing of handing over enormous sums of money to be reduced to screaming and tearstained wrecks , as short-wave diathermy currents course down our follicles .
18 Apologists wishing to stress the harmony between science and religion may gloss over those facets of Christianity as it was that distinguished it from Christianity as they now wish it to be .
19 Porter argues that it is also important to distinguish between experience-curve ( learning-by-doing ) effects and reduction of costs through economies of scale , i.e. the reduction achievable in any one period by increasing efficiency through the use of larger production plants , thereby spreading infrastructure costs over more units of output .
20 Sarah tried to run , lifting her feet high in the snow and stumbling over snow-encrusted tussocks of heather but suddenly , to her consternation , the dog disappeared .
21 WSR Managing Director Mark Smith explained : ‘ You wo n't see grown men playing with glamorous engines and trains over short lengths of track here .
22 It stretched over several hectares of land , its one-storied buildings lying bland and soulless under the surrounding hills .
23 Reaching the shed , I stepped over several mounds of brick and other rubble and went inside , looking carefully at the wet streaked brick walls searching for anything that could be identifiable with the depot .
24 Taylor long ago argued that the advantages emerged over several years of contact and that in an emergency most experienced doctors could successfully manage their patient 's problem .
25 Her mind ranged over wide vistas of blood but her body took a shower and changed its clothes .
26 In 1977 growing social opposition to the scale of military spending in general and the priority accorded to it over other heads of government expenditure , linked with a more specific objection against nuclear weapons culminated in the launching of political campaigns , in both the UK and the USA , to put the issue of tax-resistance onto the legislative agenda .
27 It took over two years of treatment and months of distress before 28-year-old Bethan Roberts found a cure for acne
28 But arguing that Albany should take over certain categories of spending is one thing ; expecting the state to pour the same sums into them is quite another .
29 However , if the expatriate rents a furnished property and wishes to ship over certain items of furniture , such as a favourite dining table , arrangements may generally be made with the landlord so that any unwanted items of furniture are stored during the expatriate 's residence .
30 Groups were continually dividing over minor points of doctrine .
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