Example sentences of "feel [pn reflx] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Having said that , I do know how overpowering they can be ; indeed , I have felt myself withering in the face of a three-year-old 's wilfulness .
2 Within the modern academy , English is treated with respect , though those teaching it may feel themselves impaled on the perennial dilemma of making it appear either a soft option or inhumanely technical and jargon-ridden .
3 Since I hated the police , it was natural that I should feel myself aligned with the prostitutes .
4 Be assured however that if I can in any manner contribute to the success of your efforts , either by the proposal of questions for discussion , or subjects for Papers or giving my opinions on any part of the Veterinary Art which you may think proper to investigate I shall at all times feel myself honored by the request , & I am persuaded that Mr Sewell will be most happy to ( ? add ) his exertions in any way congenial to your wishes .
5 He was still trying to identify it when he suddenly felt himself scooped from the ground and hoisted into the air in a wide arc .
6 He felt himself warm toward the sullenly controlled man as he never had in the three years he had been on the paper .
7 Nicholas felt himself flushing despite the bitter day .
8 The trees grabbed at him with twiggy fingers as he rose up through them , lurching this way and that in the gusts , and then he felt himself held against the invisible rushing breast of the long Wind , as she hurled moaning along the sky .
9 He felt himself yanked across the room and flung across his father 's legs , his body protected while his outstretched hand dangled like bait in the dog 's face .
10 Hilton addressed himself to the practical situation of his friend who felt himself torn by the demands of the active life impinging on his desire to pursue contemplation , and helps by showing that these two terms , so often used as opposites to refer to a manner of living , either as a professed religious or as a man of affairs , take their fundamental meaning from different inner conditions .
11 He tried , and felt himself falling into the tree , confused , unable to find a stance that did not give way into clutching twigs and flailing branches .
12 Even now , she felt herself cringe at the way he 'd said ‘ little scientist ’ , all those childhood hurts about being ‘ different ’ flooding back .
13 ‘ No , not really , ’ said Constance , and Scarlet felt herself concurring in an age-old belief that , when it came to the point , the closing of ranks took precedence over the wellbeing of the stranger within the gates .
14 She could feel the almost-accidental brush of his hand against her hair and felt herself flood with a warmth deeper and more insistent than the scalding heat of the water in which they were immersed .
15 In the end , she catnapped , shaking herself awake every time she felt herself drifting towards a deeper sleep .
16 Kate felt herself gripped by a familiar chill .
17 Nutty felt herself flinching at the dreadful truth put into such forthright speech .
18 She felt herself moving to the side with the others , as the lights were lowered , and a stool placed in the centre of the dance-floor .
19 Elisabeth already felt herself rebuked in the presence of Fru Møller and the Colonel — over matters beyond her control — and she was not going to add to that burden of disapproval if she could avoid it ; not again .
20 Lisa felt herself falter at the dark note in his voice .
21 He cut and chopped and she felt herself detached from the rotten wood .
22 With what remained of her objective consciousness Louisa strove to tell herself that this encounter was not of her reality , not of her willing … but even as she struggled she felt herself drawn under the influence of a mind at once alien and familiar — a mind resolute to lacerate its own fine sensibility , and with a perverse , intellectual sang-froid .
23 As they drew nearer to the damage and she could see that it was even worse than it had looked from afar , Ronni felt herself recoil at the very thought that her own brother could be responsible for such a thing .
24 She felt herself teetering on the edge .
25 Ronni felt herself wince in the face of his sudden anger , but at the same time , finally , she understood something .
26 His tribute was meant for Alex and Mary McLaggan , but as he sang he half turned towards Jean , he could not keep his look away from her , and as the words enveloped her she felt herself choking in a warm cocoon , her cheeks burned unbearably , he should not be doing this , it was too much in front of so many friends and strangers .
27 I felt myself propelled towards the stage .
28 With horror , I felt myself falling through the air .
29 They were not overawed by the forbidding tors and jagged rocks , nor felt themselves threatened by the rolling acres of granite uplands .
30 As the Contadora process demonstrated , States within the immediate region and beyond felt themselves affected by the repercussions of the conflict .
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