Example sentences of "feel [art] [num ord] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moomintroll and the Snork Maiden feel the first flutterings of love and , for once , we are offered a complete family ( the Victorian habit of removing one , or both , parents was a convention that survived into Ransome 's time ) .
2 His heart was thudding hard against his ribs and he felt the first droplet of perspiration pop onto his forehead .
3 Yes , already the numbness of shock was fading , and she felt the first spasm of the enormous pain that awaited her , and she was frightened .
4 Reid felt the first spasm of panic sweeping over him for he knew what Lester was after but Reid just grunted back at Piggott which provided no encouragement at all and he must have been one of the most relieved jockeys in the race to see the starting stalls open for even in the parade beforehand he still had visions of Lester taking over .
5 Actually it was only a matter of perhaps fifty seconds before the first convulsive rattle of protest shook his ribs , and then she felt the first thread of breath drawn out long and fine under her coaxing fingers as she sat back from him .
6 The stimulus of the Commander 's benzedrine tablets was wearing off as he swam out to sea after three hours ' creeping and sliding around the beach , and now , his senses dulled by a chilling exhaustion , he felt the first pangs of doubt : would Roger Courtney see the flickering torch among the waves before an enemy patrol boat caught sight of it ?
7 Vologsky felt the first tremblings of real fear creeping into his own body .
8 He felt the first dabs of rain , and held out his palm to inspect the circles of water as though they might be gold or a map of the city .
9 In the dirty little office , he felt the first stirrings of excitement .
10 He grinned at her , his fleshy lips curled into a knowing line , and Fran felt the first stirrings of anger damp down on the fear .
11 But a few minutes later he heard the rattle of heavy rain on the loose corrugated iron sheet hiding the way in , felt the first trickle of water crawling down the floor , and then remembered how long this place took to drain .
12 He quirked a dark brow , his eyes lingering with open appreciation on her slim figure in the silky pale green dress , and Fran felt the first whisper of heat run along her veins .
13 And it was then , in that moment , that she felt the first twitch of anxiety .
14 Standing dumb and immobilized in Doyle 's hands , Jinny felt the last grains of fight trickle out of her .
15 Taking our places under the lights and feeling the first twinges of nervousness , we watched the cameras moving into position .
16 They are only now feeling the first effects of the slump in new commercial work .
17 Lifting it , she peered down into the blackness below , feeling the first rung of a rickety ladder as she dangled her foot into the yawning gap .
18 This was the time when the old style of gabled manor was feeling the first breath of classical ideas .
19 By Spain , Jackie was beginning to feel the first twinges of the ulcer which was to hamper him for some time and keep him out of racing properly — and out of Belgium altogether — until July .
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