Example sentences of "might be [vb pp] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The union suggests that crofters get an automatic entitlement for up to ten cows and that sheep quota might be converted to cattle quota within the Highlands and Islands area .
2 Yet , recognition of that extension might at the same time open up the possibility that vulnerable people who do not desire death , despite their suffering , might be killed by others for reasons of their own : this would subvert the right to self-determination , and is an argument against a mercy-killing defence or offence .
3 Alien soldiers , who might be treated as traitors by invading Germans , were too much at risk so near the south coast .
4 For example , the Heading tag might be defined as Times Roman 24pt on 26pt Bold Centred Unjustified .
5 With some organisations , the various subsystems may be so large that the boundary might be defined around accounts or personnel .
6 Tasks might be defined in terms of the processes they involve : calculating , ordering , representing and sorting etc .
7 Human resources might be expressed in terms of either since capacities can be transformed into abilities by training .
8 to consider how the administration of the tests might be organized in schools ;
9 Physical and mental ill-health , social disadvantage , and racial disadvantage are other areas that might be cited as examples .
10 While they might be regarded as disorders of sleep , and will be discussed in the chapters on sleep problems , they are so prevalent , so much a part of normal life , that , like sleepwalking , they deserve a place in any account of normal sleep and dreaming .
11 The pupil-teacher ratio ( PTR ) and the contact ratio ( the time teachers spend directly teaching as opposed to preparing and marking work ) might be regarded as inputs and , in addition to the examples taken from the Audit Commission report , outputs might include punctuality and values and attitudes acquired by the time the pupils leave school — though the latter would not be easy to quantify .
12 Considerable variation was found within this population and comparisons are currently being made between those children who might be regarded as readers of poor , average and high ability to establish whether different patterns of cognitive abilities may be used to account for this variation .
13 Many of those aspects of your personality which you may have perceived in a negative way might be regarded by others as positive elements of your character .
14 Small wonder , then , that a lot of resentment and guilt rub off on the social worker himself or herself ; and that , when opportunity arises for public shouts of , " No better than we are ! " , it may be seized upon with a fine disregard for logic in expiation of sins which might be regarded in others as excusable .
15 This discrepancy might be explained by differences in the species or sex of the animals used , the extent of small bowel resection ( 70% v 80% ) , or the type of carcinogen used , although it should be noted that 1,2 dimethylhydrazine is the natural precursor of azoxymethane .
16 This might be explained by WIRS s failure to pick up data on casual workers , the form of temporary worker employed in low skill service occupations .
17 In part that might be explained in terms of the powers of resistance possessed by the bureaucracies under attack , so that whatever change is proposed it is soon absorbed and reinterpreted by the very groups it is intended to undermine .
18 I have earlier suggested that the presence of Tethyan elements ( of late Jurassic and early Cretaceous age ) in Greenland might be explained in terms of an early Gulf Stream sweeping its way into an incipient North Atlantic .
19 To teachers , it is of particular interest not only because it provides a model which might be applied with modifications to discourse in general , but also because the discourse type it chose to analyse was school lessons .
20 Local authorities were to decide how the legislation might be applied in communities where at least 15 per cent of the inhabitants spoke one of the " minority languages " .
21 Triple therapy might be reserved for patients with treatment failure or with suspected penicillin hypersensitivity .
22 An elderly person 's reminiscences about his or her schooldays might be contrasted with reports in an official log book , or an education report .
23 The purely guilty nightmare might be illustrated in terms of sexual repression and guilt by Mary Baxter Eddy 's dream of being assaulted by a strange man while she was with a Christian Science congregation .
24 ADD suggest that the reasons efficiency might be impaired in periods of variable inflation are that the price system fails to transmit as efficiently the information on relative prices needed to coordinate economic plans , that the optimum wage and price contract length shortens , making existing arrangements inappropriate , and that government interference in markets is likely to be increased .
25 Foresterships of fee might be inherited by women : in such cases the duties of the office were usually performed by their guardians , husbands or sons .
26 felt that associated members might be connected with suppliers but not with Funeral Directors .
27 Yellowing , said the Commission , was ‘ difficult to interpret ’ and might be connected to fungi or the weather .
28 Question 18 Do you have any other suggestions as to the way in which limits might be placed on grants out of the compensation fund ?
29 It was thought by some that too great a burden might be placed on principals in smaller firms or on sole practitioners if such a proposal were made mandatory , and that either the ‘ net ’ of suitable signatories should be widened to include assistant solicitors or Fellows of ILEX , or that the category of undertaking to which the ‘ rule ’ might apply should exclude those of a routine or non-financial nature .
30 The effects of adrenaline on perfusion pressures are dose dependent and experimental work suggests that an optimum haemodynamic response might be achieved with doses higher than the 1 mg currently recommended .
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