Example sentences of "might be [vb pp] on the " in BNC.

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1 There is indeed an immense amount of relevant work appearing from several directions that might be cited on the effect of organisational setting on individual information behaviour : see , for example , Boisot ( 1987 ) ; Tricker ( 1988 ) on cultural factors ; an interesting paper from an R & D perspective :
2 Tyndale was nervous , and , when Vaughan offered him the King 's promise of safety if he returned to England , he expressed his fear that the promise might be broken on the persuasion of the clergy , who would affirm that promises made with heretics need not be kept .
3 I quite agree that certain difficulties might be imposed on the Inland Revenue if they were to pursue every deposit account and find whether or not there had been an addition to the account during the course of the year .
4 And another will be erm the responsibility to er , the minister , the alterations to listed buildings which might be landed on the , on the churches .
5 In any case , my point is that it was during the course of this interview , when I raised the question of the difficulty of recruiting suitable staff in these times , that Mr Farraday , after a moment 's reflection , made his request of me ; that I do my best to draw up a staff plan — ‘ some sort of servants ' rota ’ as he put it — by which this house might be run on the present staff of four — that is to say , Mrs Clements , the two young girls , and myself .
6 At other periods more emphasis might be placed on the political role of the coin design and this allowed a greater variety of designs to be used .
7 If it should be made in conjunction with the Corvedale line , assuming that the capital is raised for that line , it may be too late then to enquire how trains are to run from Lydham village to Bishop 's Castle , which now might be placed on the main line , or what expenditure will be necessary to make the roads to Lydham village as suitable for the inhabitants of Norbury , Wentnor , &c. , as those over which they at present travel to Lydham Heath .
8 And such a claim might be based on the notion of " tacit consent " .
9 She considers this to be a more realistic figure than other estimates which might be based on the literature since there is probably a tendency to over-report cases of crossed-aphasia ( i.e. presumptive lesion and preferred hand on the same side ) in dextrals because of their rarity .
10 For instance , a forecast for sales month t+1 might be based on the actual figures for months t-4 to t-1 inclusive .
11 One possible prediction might be based on the inverted-U relationship between arousal and performance , this would imply that with increasing risk memory would first improve and then decline .
12 The argument for this might be based on the claim that when we speak to someone we are using a ‘ code ’ , and the most efficient codes do not use unnecessary symbols .
13 Moore 's way of putting it might be defended on the basis of a realist view of universals for which individual horses are horses because they participate in a universal object horse , and do so in virtue of the fact that they have parts participating in universal objects which are parts of the universal object horse and related to each other in ways which participate in the universal relations linking part to whole in the universal object .
14 It has been suggested therefore that the monitor panel might be sited on the pillar between the two windows so that it is in the line of vision of staff .
15 But what better opportunity could there be of examining the fate of those seeds of reason that might be cast on the stony ground of the communal intelligence ?
16 That control might be exercised on the basis of considerations of sovereignty ; some countries in the civil law tradition see service of process as an act of State , an exercise of its judicial power , and are reluctant to permit within their borders an expression of the sovereignty of another State ; in Switzerland service on behalf of the plaintiff of foreign process without the permission of the Swiss authorities appears to be an offence punishable by imprisonment ( and even , theoretically , solitary confinement and hard labour ) 11 .
17 A fall-back plan , if the opening attack failed to take the Isle of Wight , called for the combined fleet to anchor in Torbay , from which raids might be made on the Channel Islands and Plymouth .
18 New shares are applied for on the expectation that the issue will be underpriced and hence a profit might be made on the difference between the immediate market price and the issue or striking price .
19 A further question that arises ( and that might be perceived on the face of this problem ) is whether dismissal by the Crown can only be for misbehaviour in office or whether it can be for an offence not related to judicial office or affecting judicial ability .
20 Thus in relation to conceptual criteria , research might be criticized on the grounds of inconsistency of reasoning or imprecision of terminology or general intellectual ineptitude , using the standards of argumentation approved by our culture ( though not necessarily by others ) .
21 This procedure might be criticized on the grounds that the sample is too small to justify it .
22 For example , agricultural production might be organised on the basis of the master-slave relationship , as in Ancient Rome or in the southern states of the USA , or based on the lord serf relationship , as in feudal Europe , or on the capitalist-proletarian relationship , as in modern Western societies .
23 In the final year of the transitional period a repeat referendum to confirm the decision to secede might be held on the initiative of the republic 's Supreme Soviet or of 10 per cent of its permanent Soviet residents .
24 Thinking that the heart of the mystery might be found on the Brocken in the Harz mountains , he journeyed there in May 1799 .
25 A different complexion might be put on the same phenomena if instead we referred more particularly to the problems of ‘ criminal justice ’ and ‘ penal policy ’ .
26 It is envisaged that there would be terminals in the library but three people might be needed on the reception counter at busy times .
27 Animal and human manure was spread over the land , and about twenty tons might be used on the single acre if root crops were being grown .
28 Therefore , the same sort of techniques as those of acupuncture might be used on the landscape to obtain equivalent results .
29 It originally had been suggested that one ball only might be used on the supposedly lusher New Zealand grounds .
30 A more specific prediction might be produced on the basis of Easterbrook 's hypothesis , this would state that memory for central details would be enhanced with increasing risk , while memory for peripheral details would be impaired .
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