Example sentences of "might be [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ See Davies and you might be watching the beginning of a new wave in comedy ’ Time Out
2 I thought the newt or the Knifefish might be eating the fish , but one of my books says they are community fish , and another says they are not .
3 An alternative way of examining this example might be to see the individuals as employees or representatives of the organisation , and thus as exercising the rights the organisation had gained for them through the treaty , independent of their member States .
4 However overinflated the Aden myth may subsequently have become , however difficult it might be to disentangle the truth of the episode from the fictionalised version purveyed through romanticised images of tortured adolescence , the exotic Mid-East , the rejection of Western culture , the Rimbaldian quest for personal salvation , and so on , one stark fact remains .
5 Nevertheless , Owen thought he might be speaking the truth .
6 No matter how legitimate it might be to define the scope of linguistics in this way ( and this is currently a controversial matter ) , it will not do for language pedagogy .
7 I joked about a jockey needing a large port and brandy to do that sort of thing cold in the morning — and besides we might be risking the horse suffering a mishap .
8 Her blackboard technique was also extremely idiosyncratic ; she would write up equations , get them wrong , mumble to herself , rub them out , look them up in a book , and all this without any suspicion that she might be forfeiting the confidence of her pupils .
9 By the time Labour left office in October 1951 , its Cabinet machine — what might be called the Attlee-Brook model — was enormous .
10 It was around this time there were grave doubts about what might be called the cost-effectiveness of the results achieved by Bomber Command .
11 Obviously this is highly selective , and has an uncertain relationship to non-documentary reality ; this might be called the problem of ‘ rose-tinted documentation ’ .
12 Point 1 made by Bowley is a more general and fundamental one than the other three and deserves special comment ; it might be called the principle of parsimony .
13 Romantic suspense is what might be called the literature of the night side of human experience .
14 A score can be computed which might be called the listener communication repair index .
15 Evaluation , then , is the process of specifying what might be called the transfer value of ideas .
16 The most developed exposition of what might be called the Katib Celebi view is to be found in d'Ohsson , who writes :
17 As will be considered further , it is not at all clear , however , that the newly formulated offence entirely cures what might be called the policeman defect .
18 I can do this best by way of a personal anecdote , which might be called the Incident of the Taxman and the Philosopher .
19 And in Dworkin it is evident in his views that ‘ government must be neutral on what might be called the question of the good life … [ and ] political decisions must be , so far as possible , independent of any particular conception of the good life , or of what gives value to life ’ .
20 So let us consider what might be called the continuum of control in the interview situation ; the one end of the continuum where there is the minimal amount of control can be called the situation of the ‘ informal interview ’ and the other end , where there is maximum control , may be called the ‘ formal interview ’ .
21 However , there is an important difference between what might be called the doctrine of empiricism , and scientific theory , which must be empirical in the sense that statements can be deduced from theory which are about particular events and which can be checked by observation .
22 On the body of the car , on each side of the door and on what might be called the architrave , are two handles .
23 I have in mind two especially : the first involves what might be called the impossibility of desire , the second the notion of desire and/or identity as involving an ineluctable splitting .
24 The most important requirement is to improve for all musicians what might be called the infrastructure of opportunity .
25 The neo-American model might be called the Thatcher-Reagan model , while the Rhine model should also properly include Japan along with Germany , the Benelux countries , Switzerland , Scandinavia and , arguably , Australia and New Zealand .
26 when he or she is expected to adhere to general rules of conduct , what might be called the family 's ‘ standing orders ’ .
27 The concerns of what might be called the research and development agencies in the NHS , such as the Nuffield Foundation and the Kings Fund , also provided a stimulus for change .
28 Yeah , thank you Chairman just new development on the question of transport that 's been considered that people might be using the train more travelling to Europe than they had done previously I du n no if that has been considered Channel Tunnel , but perhaps it 's something that erm .
29 As regards malicious referrals , what seemed to be the case in a very few instances was that at least some of the allegations had substance to them and were worthy of investigation , but in discussion with the parents it seemed possible that the referrer might be using the allegation to progress some dispute with them .
30 There was always more than a hint , of course , that the real source of anxiety was that the bicycle might be enlarging the freedom of women in undesirable directions , because both in terms of class and sex the bicycle was a great leveller .
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