Example sentences of "might be [verb] from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now the war was over she seriously thought that the answer might be to move from Cramer altogether .
2 In other words , there was no hope of " defining " this distinction in terms of the criteria whereby individuals might be distinguished from species .
3 It was also profoundly necessary to understand roots and strengths of the culture so that what was best might be salvaged from carnage , and worries like Eliot 's — that the war might be fought only to preserve financial interests — could be assuaged .
4 The origin of the slang term ‘ Beak ’ for Magistrate is also associated with the belief that they had herbs in a horn to protect them from any disease that might be contracted from evil smelling criminals .
5 Furthermore , it might be argued from Case 131/86 United Kingdom v. Council , where the Court looked at the preparatory measures to the legislation in question in order to determine whether it was genuinely intended to be agricultural legislation , that the Court might investigate whether there had been a genuine consideration of the question of subsidiarity .
6 A lease might be made from year to year subject to a fetter on the right of the landlord to determine the lease before the war ends .
7 As befits a signatory of a neo-Dada Manifesto Against Style ( 1957 ) , many of Manzoni 's works are unsigned , untitled and undated , and are improvised with a bewildering variety of materials and processes ( ‘ achromes ’ might be made from kaolin , felt , cotton , polystyrene , wool , rabbit fur , bread rolls or stones ) .
8 The campaigns in Brittany had offered a foretaste of what might be gained in loot and ransoms , but the expeditions to Aquitaine and Normandy were of much greater importance in demonstrating how much wealth might be won from war .
9 The cost of a larger scheme might be reduced from £58 million to £48 million by the same technique .
10 Independent of this physical cause there exists always one more or less contrary evil to the cure of maladies in any Hospital whatever which results from the great number of sick assembled in one place , the bodies of which occasion emanations which alters more or less the wholesomeness of the air , but this cause may in some manner be done away with by the great cleanliness of the Stables and fumigations that might be performed from time to time …
11 The chart shows how much plutonium and HEU might be released from warheads if the INF and START disarmament treaties are implemented .
12 There was a reasonable chance that he might be released from St Elizabeth 's : Eliot himself suggested a private sanatorium , to be followed by a retreat in California or New Mexico .
13 Little help might be expected from parents .
14 As might be expected from data reported earlier , positive attitudes as measured by all five factors were significantly associated with willingness to go on to a second round of review and reporting .
15 More success might be expected from measures directed towards offering help at an earlier stage when the patient is less distressed , for example when the patient gets in touch with the general practitioner .
16 She was under control when , in pleasant tones , she stated , ‘ To be more exact , I 'd intended to speak to Lubor to enquire if he 'd any idea when you might be returning from Prague . ’
17 It is hoped that someone might be found from Africa .
18 As compositors , one might be working from manuscripts ( in " difficult hands " ) or from earlier editions going to reprint .
19 For example , the nine-member WEU ( perhaps with the other five European NATO members sitting as observers ) could decide on the operation of a European Reaction Force , at least part of which might be drawn from forces committed to NATO .
20 The NUT , reporting to the Younger Committee on Privacy in 1972 , proposed that reports about a child 's misbehaviour should be kept from parents and that information on the pupil or his home background ‘ which might be gleaned from hearsay or possibly based on malicious gossip ’ should not be kept on a permanent record .
21 The reason for this is to prevent additional symptoms occurring at a time when you might be suffering from PMT .
22 Teachers also collected national savings , organised and staffed country holidays for needy children , alerted the school nurse when scabies or head lice appeared , and kept a watchful eye for children who might be suffering from difficulties in sight and hearing .
23 He took her to the airport nurse , who could find nothing wrong with her but agreed that she might be suffering from jet lag and needed only to rest .
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