Example sentences of "might [be] [verb] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So if you were on night duty , it was n't much use getting off early and going to bed for a couple of hours and then going to court — you might be engaged in court for a long time .
2 How their roles might be enhanced in recognition of the behavioural literature will be examined to some extent in chapter 9 .
3 Tasks might be defined in terms of the processes they involve : calculating , ordering , representing and sorting etc .
4 Human resources might be expressed in terms of either since capacities can be transformed into abilities by training .
5 to consider how the administration of the tests might be organized in schools ;
6 In Essay B this fact might be incorporated in argument to show the other factors which made for unification i.e. the power of the army , the Zollverein and economic prosperity etc .
7 Small wonder , then , that a lot of resentment and guilt rub off on the social worker himself or herself ; and that , when opportunity arises for public shouts of , " No better than we are ! " , it may be seized upon with a fine disregard for logic in expiation of sins which might be regarded in others as excusable .
8 It is true that relief from the parish might be obtained in case of distress , but there would always be those whose pride would forbear them from applying for the pittance — at least they would avoid the humiliating and rigorous means test .
9 In part that might be explained in terms of the powers of resistance possessed by the bureaucracies under attack , so that whatever change is proposed it is soon absorbed and reinterpreted by the very groups it is intended to undermine .
10 I have earlier suggested that the presence of Tethyan elements ( of late Jurassic and early Cretaceous age ) in Greenland might be explained in terms of an early Gulf Stream sweeping its way into an incipient North Atlantic .
11 The advantage of chemotherapy in previously asymptomatic patients might be questioned in view of the side effects and the initial , though only minor and transient , decrease in patients ' subjective wellbeing .
12 Although the discovery of the double helix made it possible to understand how information might be stored in DNA , revolutionary advances in areas such as nucleotide sequencing and computing have been needed before people can contemplate recovering the stored information on a large scale .
13 Local authorities were to decide how the legislation might be applied in communities where at least 15 per cent of the inhabitants spoke one of the " minority languages " .
14 In circumstances in which the opinion leaders and policy-makers in adult education have responded to the women 's movement at all , it has been to co-opt feminism into their platitudes , whilst at the same time seeking to deflect and defeat the radical intention of women 's liberation as it might be applied in adult education and society generally .
15 Significant correlations between lesson activities and pupils ' perceptions might be applied in teacher training and curriculum development programmes .
16 The purely guilty nightmare might be illustrated in terms of sexual repression and guilt by Mary Baxter Eddy 's dream of being assaulted by a strange man while she was with a Christian Science congregation .
17 ADD suggest that the reasons efficiency might be impaired in periods of variable inflation are that the price system fails to transmit as efficiently the information on relative prices needed to coordinate economic plans , that the optimum wage and price contract length shortens , making existing arrangements inappropriate , and that government interference in markets is likely to be increased .
18 The campaigns in Brittany had offered a foretaste of what might be gained in loot and ransoms , but the expeditions to Aquitaine and Normandy were of much greater importance in demonstrating how much wealth might be won from war .
19 Should the artist win approval for his project this April or May , it is conceivable that ‘ Wrapped Reichstag ’ might be realised in August or September 1994 .
20 Securing the suppression of the foreign slave trade might be achieved in part in wartime by naval power but otherwise was mainly seen as requiring lobbying of and consultation with ministers , communicating with British diplomats and naval commanders for information and to provide stimulus to intervention in particular cases and pressing arguments upon foreign leaders , particularly during the Congress phase of European diplomacy in the years following the defeat of Napoleon .
21 But whatever might be achieved in architecture by such methods , in an organisation the results were less satisfactory .
22 When the Popular Front , including the French Communist Party , came to power in France in June 1936 there was at least the hope that , by their actions , significant improvements , political as well as economic and social , might be achieved in Vietnam .
23 They may stem from either non-financial objectives or factors which might be quantified in money terms , but which have not been quantified , because there is insufficient information to make reliable estimates .
24 Thus , for example , the accounts and budget might be presented in detail but only total net expenditure of each division of service is compared with budget , showing the over-/under-spending and explaining broadly the reasons for any variance .
25 Version ( i ) might be said in conversation on hearing someone 's name , as in this example : A : John Cleese is a very funny actor .
26 Some of that evidence , it might be said in parenthesis , appears to be adverse to the appellants .
27 They might be printed in pairs or in patterns which repeat .
28 Traditional stories are a great source of enjoyment , and those like ‘ The Three Bears ’ include mathematical ideas which might be explored in talk and creative work .
29 A hearing might be adjourned in order to be combined with another similar reference dealing with the same school and the same stage of education .
30 If DMs continue to be held then the funds might be invested in Germany 's domestic money or securities markets , or alternatively the DMs could be deposited in the euro-DM market .
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