Example sentences of "might [be] [vb pp] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 To take another example : Radioactivity in the surface and coastal waters of the British Isles , 1977 might be converted to an alphabetical description such as : Water pollutants Radioactive materials — Great Britain or into a classification notation such as 628.16850941 .
2 From any clutch it 's possible that one or two would n't hatch , and if food was short a little chick might be killed by an elder sibling ( or by its mother so that the stronger chick would survive ) .
3 An ‘ idea-meme ’ might be defined as an entity that is capable of being transmitted from one brain to another .
4 This harmony might be expressed as an offering which accompanies a vow of some kind ( Leviticus 22:21 ) , or as a thank-offering ( Leviticus 22:29 ) or free-will offering ( Leviticus 22:21 ) .
5 Most verbs which are used of situations where the object — talking strictly of the intensional level and not of the world referred to — does not change its properties ( between the narrow focus on the object phrase alone , and the wider view when it is construed with the verb and the adjective as in ( 22 ) ) will not be suitable ; if a property that might be expressed by an adjective could be present in the wider structural context , then its applicability will not normally be connected with the link between the verb and the noun phrase .
6 In that context it had long been accepted that the settlement of individual claims might be incorporated into an overall package .
7 Even the family allowances , though based in their present form upon the experience and conditions of the inter-war years — when Seebohm Rowntree 's surveys in York suggested that one male in four earned less than was necessary to maintain a man , wife and two children above the poverty line — consist of a simple system of payments and enter into budgetary habits and expectations no more and no less than the fiscal allowances , of which I once suggested to a CPC conference they might be regarded as an extension .
8 Jade however consists of a tangled mass of needle crystals , tightly packed together but with poor adhesion at the interfaces and might be regarded as an inorganic equivalent to a briar pipe or a bamboo root .
9 This line of reasoning then raises the question of what might be regarded as an accurate description of the language of ordinary children at different ages .
10 The decision might be explained as an attempt to remedy the absence of an offence which penalizes such voyeurs .
11 Failure of a team might be explained by an imbalance of team types , the absence of crucial roles or a mismatch between team role and hierarchical status .
12 The high proportion of symptomatic patients without detectable pathogens especially at early stages of HIV infection , and furthermore the poor correlation of infections and symptoms might be explained by an enteropathogenic role of HIV itself .
13 An example of how this might be applied to an inventory record would be to control the format of named collections , e.g. ‘ Sloane Bequest , Miscellanea ’ .
14 There is another less obvious reason why other techniques might be applied in an authenticity study , even when a dating method can be used .
15 While not inviting the Board to adopt in regard to Zaidie and Matadial a rule such as that which applies to accomplices , the alleged victims of sexual assaults and young children , the defendant submitted that there was an obligation ( not performed in this case ) to advise the jury to proceed with caution where there was material to suggest that the evidence of the witnesses might be tainted by an improper motive .
16 You must report a respiratory rate lower than 12 per minute , a tachypnoea or any abnormality , such as wheezing or noisy respirations which might be caused by an obstructed airway .
17 Certainly there seemed little point in giving either side the initial advantage ; invasion by one might be precipitated by an agreement with the other , and if Germany and the USSR came to blows , it would inevitably be on Polish soil .
18 On the information given ( which is , for example , all that might be given in an intermediate credit advertisement under the Consumer Credit ( Advertisements ) Regulations 1980 ) the only way that the shopper , without access to a computer , can decide between these alternative APRs is subjectively .
19 [ … ] This might be seen as an expression of concern by university mathematicians about the subject socialization of their potential students .
20 However , one will do well to reflect on the following remark of Bentham ( of which some of the second part of this work might be seen as an endorsement ) .
21 On the other hand , it might be seen as an opportunity to enhance family life by the more equal opportunities offered to women to take up employment , as well as bringing up a family ; or by the enriched experiences children bring back into the family as a result of their attendance at nursery school or playgroup .
22 And science itself might be seen as an instrument of religious union in that all parties could agree on the existence of a Creator whose power was visible in nature .
23 On the one hand , the antisemitism of ‘ anti-immigrant ’ fascist parties might be seen as an anachronism , arising from the fact that for a number of years such parties were led by a generation who were raised in conditions of widespread antisemitism .
24 In other words , his argument might be seen as an attempt to confront the common sense with the disconcerting fact that references to what are assumed to be numerically identical spatio-temporal particulars inhabiting an objective world " out there " can not be given a satisfactory justification , and consequently that one can not claim with certainty that such particulars represent the basic material of which the world is made up .
25 What from the central perspective might be seen as an instrument of public expenditure control , from the local level might be seen as a threat to the fabric of local government itself .
26 This persistence might be seen as an obvious contradiction of the prediction that deviations of output from its natural level should be random and hence a clear refutation of the rational expectations version of the aggregate supply and demand model developed above .
27 For industrial editors , with our usual slower turnaround times , the DCS200 might be seen as an expensive toy .
28 Where differences remain , a Classification Society might be seen as an ideal expert to decide technical disputes about the construction of ships .
29 A move towards student autonomy might be seen in an increasing emphasis upon the value of students entering into negotiation about their individual programmes , including the assessment process .
30 The school master might be assisted by an unqualified ‘ pupil-teacher ’ .
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