Example sentences of "might [vb infin] [verb] her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She could not imagine who might want to see her at this time on a Saturday morning .
2 She fully understands that it 'll be up to you and Alan to decide whether you want a book on this subject and if you think it is a complete non-starter you might like to stop her in her tracks .
3 He might have saved her from Jem , but did that give him the right to such a ruthless inquisition ?
4 And the vigorous , life-enhancing breakers that plunged inland , that might have deposited her on soft , rich , regenerative soil , were involved in a never-consummated effort , frustrated by the moon .
5 And I suppose we might have lost her in the long run , but not just yet . ’
6 As she flew up to her room , she thought her father might have killed her for that speech .
7 Had it not been for the honey pigment of her skin , any one of her small circle of friends might have described her as a porcelain doll .
8 If he had chosen to , Thomas might have told her in no uncertain terms what was wrong .
9 ‘ Do you think Nicola 's work might have put her in danger ? ’
10 We might have got her at the ferry . ’
11 Michael might come to visit her at any time .
12 Except that it if it involved waiting in this corridor for much longer , one of the security cameras might start to register her despite all diversionary moves , and she should therefore now take a break of at least six hours before coming back here .
13 Ruether does not think in terms of a God who is transcendent above history and acts as an agent in history ; and this we might say lets her off the hook as far as the theodicy question is concerned .
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