Example sentences of "might [vb infin] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 As an alternative , the investor might consider investing in the CD just considered .
2 Er one wonders how on earth they speak to each other , or if indeed they even know who each other is or where their offices are and there is n't that personal relationship that one might expect to find in the normal concept of a legal firm and indeed er without clearly we go to off the point somewhat to have a discussion as to whether or not er a partnership is a suitable legal entity for these people to trade under .
3 The sort of applications which we might wish to make in the future would be for an example that an interim payment be made out of the money in court or that the money be transferred to the public trust office , we do n't know how we should proceed yet , but if we are at liberty to apply generally
4 Trainee consultants need to appreciate that the procedure of informing an interested school of the different structures that have been found to work well in different settings , and of inviting the school to decide which they might wish to develop in the first instance , is in itself an important part of preparing a supportive climate .
5 BY discussing in the preceding chapter the ways in which the public may perceive a problem as a ‘ legal ’ problem and the steps which the profession might take to assist in the identification of problems which require legal advice for their solution we have already indicated that we are concerned , in the main , with the provision of information and advice by lawyers .
6 If evolution had continued in that vein , the elephants and the dormice might have crossed in the middle !
7 Certainly some of the productions that we are responsible for , as I have said , are controversial , and some of the public might not really want them and might dispute their validity , but I think what it is an indication of is the fact that people are short of money and have to make quite sure that they are getting the best value for what they are paying for and they ca n't afford to go to the theatre as regularly as they might have done in the past .
8 Cottle might have remained in the Foreign Office as a Balkan expert .
9 It is thought that there might , it might have remained in the hands of some diplomats who were transferring it , and there were two of these issues , there is one in a private collection at present , so this is a second one , and number eight which is coming out for sale , but the number seven did change hands er a couple of years ago , so at about fifty five thousand pounds I believe .
10 On days when he was particularly active , other items of news which might have appeared in the ten-minute English language bulletins were squeezed out of those in the Zambian languages .
11 Peter Dennis ' reconstructions show ( top ) Lieutenant-General Vlasov of the Red Army of Workers and Peasants , as he might have appeared in the spring of 1942 as deputy commander of the Volkhov Front , in a rear head-quarters .
12 From the outset d'Indy 's editorial colleague Charles Malherbe , in his collation of sources , had ensured that , whatever might have appeared in the main texts , the appendices to each volume contained nothing untoward .
13 Any man who had to endure what you endured might have reacted in the same way ’ ( our emphasis ) .
14 Voeller might have scored in the 24th minute had it not been for Andy Goram 's fine save from a powerful 20-yard shot , but seven minutes later he set up Marseille 's opener .
15 In Glasgow he had picked up many of the skills that a more highly-born politician might have acquired in the Oxford Union or at the Bar , but skills that were very different in appearance .
16 Today , we 're concentrating on the videos you might have bought in the last 12 months .
17 It was very different from when , during my student days , I had spent some time in the specialised wards of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases at St Pancras , where patients were treated for cholera , yellow fever , elephantiasis , malaria , leprosy , encephalitis lethargica , and a dozen other diseases that might have originated in the tropics .
18 Predictably the latter stages were nervous and tense for Luton and the visitors might have levelled in the 73rd minute .
19 They might have sat in the same prison cell as he was sitting in now .
20 One can imagine that if Xerxes had been successful and absorbed Greece into the Persian empire , Greek archaic art might have crystallised in the decorative academic formulae which characterise Achaemenian ; while the threat and its repulse can be seen as the catalyst which released the spirit of Hellenism , flowering in the fifth century as richly in literature and thought as in the visual arts .
21 And how does one deal with counterfactuals , that is , what might have happened in the absence of the control of government by the particular party ?
22 In effect , its tight-money policy is intended to bring about a shift in the domestic economy that might have happened in the early 1980s but which kept being postponed .
23 it 's not one that will inspire me with erm with , with great kind of nationalistic fervour as might have happened in the past when , when you look at nationalistic movements , so erm presumably we 're looking at a range of behaviour which goes from extreme fanatical group membership to relatively weak identification with a group but really does n't to anything else but saying you know if you ask me what I 'll say I was British .
24 That the Director of Public Prosecutions did not press for prosecution suggests that this line of defence might have been effective , or might have resulted in the prosecution net catching even larger , embarrassed fish .
25 Thus we find a much more uniform field-pattern , uniform as regards both size and shape , than we might have expected in the grazing counties of central England .
26 Any judge with even half a brain would surely concede that however inappropriately the Duchess of York might have behaved in the past year , even she has yet to acquire such a proven track record on rearing maladjusted children as Her Majesty the Queen .
27 I think I might go to live in the country , in the 1980s .
28 It is only when one supposes that , as well as such ideas , there is either ‘ extension in abstract ’ or extended , external , material things which might have parts we can not perceive , that one might come to believe in the infinite divisibility of finite extension .
29 The confidence of the American sociologist in the early 1960s might seem misplaced in the more cruel climate of the late 1970s after Vietnam , Watergate and international economic crises , but still the pluralist vision is extrapolated outside America and achieves the status of international historical trend .
30 Gilford , a 27-year-old from Crewe , is so keen to make the European team that he would even be prepared to give up any invitation he might receive to compete in the US Open this year .
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