Example sentences of "might [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If you are equally worried about giving birth in both a hospital and at home you might prefer something in the middle : Some hospitals allow women to use water pools in the labour ward and you can arrange for your GP to help with the birth rather than hospital doctors .
2 ‘ With the right fertiliser Leonardo might make it through the summer , ’ opined Today with vague hope .
3 might tempt her to the wrong thoughts .
4 At Key Stages 1 and 2 , these might include someone from the local archaeological unit , the museum or archives or a local historian , especially someone used to speaking to young children .
5 " But I thought I might catch them in the act .
6 They might describe them as the unsettled ‘ shells ’ of the dead .
7 The Russians would much rather deal with a right-wing conservative any day because they know where they stand , rather than a left-wing liberal who might do something off the wall , like act on principle , for heaven 's sake .
8 He 's a Jack Russell so I 'm hoping he might do something about the rodent problem at Low Birk Hatt .
9 I think you might find a situation quite clearly where you would find a child behaving in such a way in the classroom that it was being disruptive to himself , disruptive to teachers , disruptive to , to his classmates , and therefore the , the first move must be in a direction of rearranging that behaviour so that there could develop a situation in which you might do something about the learning difficulty .
10 I do n't well I could be wrong she might do it on the spot .
11 If only Maxwell could be more … if only they could stay awake … if only Maxwell could be with her at three thirty in the afternoon , when they might do it like the old days …
12 It was an enraging affectation , worthy of an Oxford undergraduate , especially as Charlie might do it in the middle of a conversation , as he had done recently at a college gig : the Union President was talking to him when Charlie 's hands reached into his side pocket , the book was extracted and opened , and the man 's eyes popped in disbelief as Charlie imbibed a beakerful of the warm South .
13 ‘ When I went to him , I had no idea that what he would say to me might bring him within the sphere of our investigation . ’
14 Most of Mr Nigel Lawson 's critics of today thought yesterday that his policies might bring something like the 3% growth in demand in 1988 at which he aimed , instead of the 7% that he actually got .
15 Whereas the left might base itself on the thoughts of Karl Marx , the libertarians look back to Adam Smith and an extreme ideology of laissez-faire capitalism .
16 ‘ We 'll both be working in the shop , but we might watch it on the TV later . ’
17 Actually there was a little bit , they showed you the four goals on the television so they might show it on the nine o'clock
18 Kemalpasazade sought the advice of Mueyyedzade who counselled him to feign acceptance of Hacihasanzade 's proposal ; and when , on the next day , the latter petitioned the sultan , Bayezid II , to appoint Kemalpasazade to a kadilik , Mueyyedzade intervened , speaking highly of Kemalpasazade 's abilities and asking that he not be wasted in a kadilik but rather that he be given the vacant Taslik medrese so that he might busy himself with the pursuit of learning .
19 Yeah , cos I might , I might see you at the station if you get the train .
20 Come that we might see you in the people of every race , and commit ourselves to the hope that we celebrate our life together in true community and justice .
21 money under the er might keep it under the floorboards .
22 They might keep it in the garden and have it as bed and breakfast !
23 Or she might drown him in the bath or push him under a train .
24 They are costly and highly dangerous in the hands of those who might use them for the destruction of life . ’
25 The care provided in such a unit might look something like the list that follows .
26 If we do not face up to our fears , we might project them onto the outside world , perhaps in the form of violent crime , epidemics , disasters or a vengeful God , or ( closer to home ) in the form of a partner , family or friends who ‘ block ’ our growth , and thus protect us from facing our fears .
27 Many years ago , if a work was stolen you might report it to the police or the FBI , but there was no way to get out the word to the market .
28 A tablespoon of bran , which might provide you with the same amount of fibre , is not nearly so nutritious .
29 But Ramsay might meet them on the way .
30 There was a moment , as she felt the release from the flimsy protection of her undergarments , when it seemed as if something yet might stop him in the tidal wave of passion , but his intention overwhelmed any such hesitation , and with a moan of desire she put herself entirely into his hands .
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