Example sentences of "show up [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In such a situation , the colours show up to the best advantage , and the angling of the light helps to ‘ model ’ the detail and separate the planes to increase the illusion of depth .
2 ‘ You mean if he does n't show up at the right time the opportunity wo n't occur again ? ’
3 I would have tried to ask Dudley Wood , secretary to the RFU , but he did n't show up at the new kit 's launch …
4 In any case , he added , people did not show up for the political meetings , only arriving in time for the drinking afterwards .
5 This would show up in the sedimentary and stratigraphic evidence .
6 I was hoping that Vecchi would show up in the near future and save everybody a lot of headaches .
7 Now that Rune had taken charge of the whole operation , bringing in ‘ back-up ’ troops , her own futile efforts were being shown up for the amateur plan they were !
8 If they are right , this spares them the refusal which would have otherwise shown up in the main survey as reported difficulty in getting credit .
9 The co-ordinator , Thijs Kuiken , said that the inadequacy of present knowledge had been shown up by the 1989 viral epidemic which killed thousands of seals .
10 Late in March Mahmoud showed up for the first time since the Yanks had moved out .
11 Well , she thought , replacing the receiver , unless her ‘ friend ’ showed up within the next half an hour she would come to find an empty room .
12 That alienation of the German Bohemians showed up in the 1935 elections when Konrad Henlein 's pro-Nazi Sudetendeutsche Partei became the second largest parliamentary party .
13 Jukeboxes as we know them today first showed up in the 1940s .
14 The contrast shows up in the different notions of ‘ social capacity ’ .
15 " Ham " acting shows up in the slightest twitch of an eyebrow .
16 This is supported by reference to three key features ( p. 114ff. ) , summarised below : Alternating decasyllabic verse is " lighter " in terms of its overall structure ; this shows up in the high degree of promotion of underlyingly unstressed function words to relative stressed status .
17 The gaps between the walls of the coral skeleton have been filled with calcite , showing up as the lighter colours of the sections .
18 On the pasture near-by Hazel could see scattered , russet-and-orange-coloured fragments , some with feathery , light-green foliage showing up against the darker grass .
19 Amounts of toxic gases in our cities have already reached unacceptable levels and this is showing up in the big increases in respiratory illnesses .
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