Example sentences of "show that the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The variety of contexts in which the laws are preserved and the chance survival of the precepts of Childebert I and Chlothar II show that the great law-books of the Merovingian kingdom , the Pactus Legis Salicae and the Lex Ribvaria , were only one part of the legal output of the period , and they suggest that the Merovingian kings legislated often .
2 That reference does no more than show that the essential element of dishonesty does not exist if the defendant when he appropriates the property believes that the owner would consent if he knew the circumstances .
3 Although the atomic beam pulses spread out during a particular measurement , owing to velocity dispersion , calculations show that the mean density quoted here is the important measure .
4 Show that the mean value of the force F between the two rings ( i.e. averaged over the periodic time of the alternating current ) is given by
5 However , although the level of demand for books fluctuated to a quite considerable extent throughout the day , Figures 10 and 11 also show that the mean delivery time for straightforward deliveries to readers of ‘ ordinary ’ items from the Main Building remained reasonably constant ( never rising above 17 minutes on weekdays , or 19 minutes on Saturdays ) , and that those variations which did occur bore no direct relationship to the level of demand , for some of the better mean delivery times were achieved a periods of high demand , and vice versa .
6 Ermann and Lundman ( 1982:148 ) show that the heaviest fine in 1961 was the equivalent of $12.30 and in 1976 it was $1.80 !
7 But surveys show that the nutritional status of patients tends to deteriorate during hospitalisation , and that many fail to receive the quality of food necessary to meet their needs in terms of energy , protein , vitamins and iron .
8 The figures that I have before me certainly show that the highest spending authorities comprise almost entirely Labour and the occasional Liberal authority and that those have some of the worst results .
9 The Danish data show that the potent proton pump inhibitor omeprazole is being common used ( up to 10% ) , especially among the younger longterm users .
10 Studies made on the river Lugg in Herefordshire show that the rubbly remains of fords or bridges which collapsed long ago have created a gravelly river bed which encourages crowfoot .
11 Our results show that the pICAM-3 cDNA encodes a third ligand for LFA-1 and the LFA-1 binding site has been localized to domains I and II .
12 Shallow cores show that the pebbly sands and clays that came originally came from the ice-sheet contain shells that lived in the shallower waters of the continental shelf .
13 Royal College records show that the only disorder in his health noted in 1953 was an attack of VD from which he quickly recovered .
14 Computer models show that the best way of coming up with an inflationary universe that shows the same degree of clumpiness as the real one is to use dark matter that is ‘ cold ’ .
15 Their spectra show that the radiating gas is excited by hydrodynamical shock fronts and that shock velocities of up to a few hundred kilometres a second are involved .
16 Savary 's statements show that the 17th century bill of lading had begun to function as a ‘ necessary ’ document ; only by showing the document could Savary 's shipper-owner claim lawful possession of the goods he had shipped in his own vessel .
17 Calculations made by Don N. Page , then of the California Institute of Technology , and me , based on measurements of the cosmic background of gamma radiation made by the satellite SAS-2 , show that the average density of primordial black holes in the universe must be less than about two hundred per cubic light-year .
18 Statistics show that the average wind speed is around 6 knots ( about 7mph or 11kph ) , and that the wind blows from the south-west .
19 Empirical studies show that the working class has been granted the vote , the material living standards of most workers have increased and social welfare benefits have been won .
20 Indeed , court documents show that the eight performers named in the livret as making up the harmonie rustique were all wind players in the employ of the king .
21 These authors discuss data presented by Harshman and Krashen ( 1972 ) which show that the absolute difference between scores for left and right ears does in fact correlate significantly with the total correct score for the two ears .
22 Mr. Tecks submitted that the European Court of Justice authorities , cited below , show that the crucial words refer to obligations which have their basis in contract or in a closely similar nexus such as that existing between an association and its members , so that the matters in question must be contractual or closely akin to contractual .
23 which show that the political process and the internal workings of the military-industrial complex are highly conflictual .
24 Detailed calculations show that the emitted particles have a thermal spectrum corresponding to a temperature that increases rapidly as the mass of the black hole decreases .
25 Previous issues from November 1990 to the last edition show that the major features have been on Gabby and Steffi , Zvereva and Martina and Monica , Capriati and Monica , Anke , Jana Novotna and Arantxa respectively , evidence of a fair and even representation of all women players by Tennis World .
26 Show that the mutual inductance between two arbitrary coils may be written in the form ( see Fig. 4.8 , p. 100 ) math ; .
27 These figures show that the small surpluses and deficits that appear in government budget accounts ( sec Table 8.2 ) are quite misleading indicators of the inflationary or deflationary stance of the Yugoslav public sector .
28 These and other indications — the marriage of his daughter Eleanor to Alfonso VIII of Castile , a projected campaign in the Auvergne , a claim that the archbishopric of Bourges rightfully belonged to the duchy of Aquitaine — show that the southern parts of his dominions continued to be very much in his mind in these months .
29 Our data show that the systemic responses of wound-induced pin activity and electrical signals occur when phloem translocation is inhibited .
30 The results presented above show that the 80 bp promoter fragment binds at least two different factors and that it is able to modulate transcription in both homologous and heterologous constructions .
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