Example sentences of "show that [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The records of those discussions , which included three meetings of the War Cabinet , show that two issues predominated in the minds of those responsible for the formulation of British policy .
2 They show that male employment has gone down massively , that there are some additional jobs for female workers — full and part-time — but that the overall picture is one of deficit , despite the record investment based on the quality of the Welsh work force .
3 Concerning the goods carried , records of the Ragusan Lazarette for 1626 show that 120 ships left the port , carrying insured cargoes of 400,000 kg of assorted wool and 70,000 kg of cattle and buffalo hides .
4 Excavations at Tepe Gawra much nearer the highland sources of metals show that close contacts had already been established with the city states of Sumer as far back as the middle of the fourth millennium B.C. By the time of the Royal Cemetery of Ur ( c.2600–2500 B.C. ) metallurgy and not least gold- and silversmithing had already reached a stage at which many of the fundamental processes had been mastered .
5 The coins show that contemporary Romans kept returning to the iconography not just of war , but of conquest , and that they presented themselves as following in the footsteps of Alexander ; this is an important contribution to our understanding of their aspirations at the time .
6 Statistics show that 30-year-old Pears has the best average of leading goalkeepers in the country .
7 Fresh figures from the Commons library show that 348,000 people worked in manufacturing in December 1992 and there were 342,092 unemployed Scots looking for work in February 1993 .
8 They also show that political activity had by no means ousted the republicans ' commitment to armed force ; indeed it was seen as a necessary preliminary to the resumption of the military campaign .
9 Confidental documents obtained by the Guardian show that financial incentives proposed by the ECMT secretariat form a fundamental element of the programme .
10 Young and Willmott ( 1973 ) , for example , ( although they are generally trying to demonstrate the increasing symmetry of domestic relationships ) show that married men spent some ten hours per week on domestic tasks , compared with 23 hours for full-time and 35 hours for part-time employed women .
11 Comparisons of pre- and post-First World War parent-child relationships show that such relations have become more informal , and that parents put , or intend to put , fewer formal restraints on their children .
12 Although statistics show that many benefits paid to the old , poor and unemployed have maintained their real value ( ie kept pace with inflation ) under the Conservative government during the 1980s , these calculations are based on the rate of inflation for the average person .
13 Today 's results show that many teenagers have been hit by the recession , with the average pocket money received falling this year .
14 Recent studies ( see page 29ff ) show that many schools continue to follow an approach to learning which is impeccably orthodox .
15 All the indicators show that parental support helps young people come through solvent abuse quicker .
16 Sorensen and Hansen ( 1976 ) show that deaf children using Danish Sign Language for communication in pairs produce 70 per cent levels of comprehension .
17 New figures show that rural areas have seen the largest increase in offences , but that the rise is less than half that of the previous year .
18 The results of these surveys are given in the table , and show that 18 sites held Great Crested Grebes regularly in the breeding season and five sites , which were not occupied in 1975 , are probably occupied more often than not .
19 Statistics from the Association of Investment Trust Companies show that this trust has produced the highest total return over the last year out of five emerging markets trusts .
20 The result in the figure show that this procedure generated just as much latent inhibition as did exposure to A alone .
21 Latest figures show that this region has now lost almost all the jobs which were created during the properous years of the late eighties .
22 Has my right hon. Friend seen the reports from the German chambers of commerce which show that German industry has invested £7.8 billion in this country in recent years ?
23 Opinion polls show that most Filipinos want the bases , which are the biggest employer after the government , to stay .
24 Contrary to expectations studies show that most people continue to regard themselves positively as they grow older .
25 Yet the polls show that most voters want inflation stopped , and the main opposition , the Workers ' party , while formally denouncing the plan as ‘ authoritarian , demagogic , privatising and favourable to foreign capital ’ , may merely wish it were in a position to do likewise .
26 The water is dirty with unsightly debris along the banks but swans do not seem to be deterred and ropes hanging from the freight railway bridge downstream show that local children swim in the river .
27 Our figures for oral carcinoma in south east Scotland over the past 10 years show that 456 patients presented with these tumours ; the mean age at presentation was 63.8 years for men and 68.2 years for women .
28 In conclusion these results show that dietary calcium stimulates the formation of insoluble calcium phosphate and decreases the luminal solubility of fatty acids and bile acids in rats .
29 The present results show that dietary calcium has a site specific effect on the solubility of bile acids .
30 Figures released by Northumbria Police yesterday show that 116 people have been killed in road accidents in the area in the past year year , a slight drop on the previous 12 months .
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