Example sentences of "seem to have been a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The second Lady Deverill , having pulled her horse off Hullabaloo at the last minute , leaving herself just enough time to put him right at the ditch and hedge , did n't even bother to stop and admire her handiwork before riding on up the hill to rejoin the hunt and tell her husband that there seemed to have been a rather fearful accident .
2 ‘ Simon de Montfort seems to have been a pretty important baron . ’
3 He seems to have been a pretty hard-headed business man , but there must be plenty of others in a town of this size … ’
4 The connection led to an invitation to drive in FI for Ferrari , an arrangement which in those years seems to have been a rather casual affair .
5 One prominent scholar of Italian paintings believes that the National Gallery was ill served by the loan which seems to have been a rather persuasive pre-sale exhibition for the benefit of Lady Cook .
6 There seems to have been a generally similar scheme of attack , if similarities to the Kentish experience are anything to go by .
7 Only from roughly the middle of the tenth/sixteenth century-perhaps coincidentally with the building of two other medreses which were to form part of the altmisli class , namely that attached to the mosque built by Suleyman for his son , Sehzade Mehmed ( the Sehzade medrese , completed in 954/1547 ) , and that built by the same sultan for his father , Selim I , apparently around 955/1548 — can one discern in the biographical sources the existence of a class of medreses , comprising these and others , one rank higher than the Sahn and normally carrying a salary of 60 akce , teaching in one of which seems to have been a generally recognized prerequisite for the holding of the highest learned offices .
8 I carried on , then came back to live in the North but it just seems to have been a really cemented bond . ’
9 The total bill for Bacon 's embalming came to £26 8s. 4d. which , when compared with the £28 4s. 1d. paid in 1596 for the embalming of Henry , Earl of Huntingdon , seems to have been a fairly standard cost .
10 It seems to have been a fairly general rule in the later enclosure awards that the minimum width for inter-village roads should be forty feet between the ditches , though local roads carrying more than the average traffic for the district were often laid down forty-five or fifty feet wide .
11 It seems to have been a fairly ordinary evening up until the end .
12 He seems to have been a somewhat slipshod caretaker , complacently assuming that ill-coordinated groups of rebels could pose no significant threat to seasoned English troops .
13 ‘ Garland seems to have been a very modest man . ’
14 The Royal Road passed through what seems to have been a densely built-up area of the Minoan city .
15 With hindsight , this may not now seem to have been a very remarkable step forward but , in the context of the times , it was highly significant , the beginning of a quiet revolution and one ill which teachers were keen to participate .
16 In 1764 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society , but does not seem to have been a very active member of that body .
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