Example sentences of "seem to have been [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A multitude of household effects , iron bars , timbers , glass , bricks , a chimney stack , seemed to have been shaken by some giant hand and strewn any which way .
2 The air seemed to have been cleared at last and evening surgery raised their spirits even more .
3 Above all , there seemed to be little recognition of the special needs of people who were destined to spend very long periods behind bars : the long-termers were treated not very differently from the short-termers , and relatively little thought seemed to have been given to the risk of mental deterioration in an environment without stimulus .
4 Sources said the explosion seemed to have been caused by an incendiary device .
5 But alas , most seemed to have been born with only one or just mislaid the other on the way .
6 It was no boyish fancy , the feelings he had for her ; they seemed to have been born in him .
7 She had changed into a gown she seemed to have been poured into , and promised to pop out of .
8 Most of the attacks were near main roads , and the original police hypothesis was that a single madman or religious fanatic was motoring from one enclosed pasture to another ; then several horses seemed to have been assaulted in different places at the same time , although this is not certain .
9 Even Maisie , who was now standing a few yards from the window , breathing heavily , seemed to have been paralysed by the sight of him .
10 All of their problems could have been solved with a few simple decisions but they seemed to have been robbed of their ability to think straight . ’
11 The grief which she had shown over the death of her father seemed to have been replaced by a kind of nervous irritability .
12 And the London-based scientist said he believed it was more than a coincidence that the same colony seemed to have been affected by a second strain of the gizzard worm infection which killed 137 birds last year .
13 Patrick looked out at Trinity College on his right and the Parliament buildings on is left , but neither seemed to have been scarred by the Rising .
14 Despite his chosen role as a small-town shopkeeper he seemed to have been accepted on equal terms by talented cosmopolitans …
15 They seemed to have been lived by a different person .
16 Even in the engineering companies the role of the unions seemed to have been limited to ensuring that , in other than their temporary status , temporary workers were not disadvantaged and received the same fringe benefits ( except membership of company pension schemes ) as regular workers .
17 Apart from reviews , nothing seemed to have been written about her except for a sympathetic article by Richard Strachey in the London Mercury .
18 I found that my grasp on the image itself was now hazy , the very mechanisms of my mind seemed to have been injected with lobal anaesthetic , blown up into a fuzzy ineptitude .
19 Ultimately , 10 ( 6% ) patients from within the whole group had further surgery the nature of which seemed to have been influenced by the results of the test .
20 The most cheerful remarks seemed to have been made about the health of Michael Heseltine , who was making his first appearance at the cabinet since his heart attack .
21 Struggling through the cotton wool that seemed to have been stuffed into her brain , Julia found that announcement of savagery almost impossible to believe .
22 He puzzled over the dates on the backs of photographs , most of which seemed to have been taken in May , and he tried to get from his aunts the precise age gap between his parents and between his mother and Uncle Stanley .
23 On the one hand , the promise , the expectation , warmed the pit of his stomach and flooded him with a sense of delicious possibilities ; on the other , something in him wondered whether this was n't all too easy , especially since the reins seemed to have been removed from his hands and were being expertly manipulated by someone else .
24 ‘ What dramatic merit the play had ’ , Warnie noted afterwards , ‘ seemed to have been supplied by Coghill and not by Shakespeare . ’
25 At the central government level at least , the traditional preoccupation with loyalist unity and the constitutional issue seemed to have been superseded by an active concern with setting up ‘ development ’ programmes .
26 Some strength or recklessness seemed to have been released in her by recent events ; she had increased as Anwar had diminished .
27 The researchers said the Japanese growth in wealth seemed to have been accompanied by a narrowing in the difference in incomes between the richest and poorest , whereas in Britain the gap had widened .
28 The racegoers from the train were on the whole easily identifiable as they all seemed to have been issued with large red and white rosettes with Race Train passenger emblazoned on them in gold : and the rosettes proved not to be confined to those in the front half of the train because I came across Zak wearing one too , and he told me that everyone had been given one , the owners included , and where was mine ?
29 Stupid Aries might have been more to the point , because the only person who seemed to have been burnt by her fire was herself .
30 Even by the standards of Harry 's yard , Heraldic was no looker , a great , gangling colt with a head and neck that seemed to have been added to his body as an afterthought .
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