Example sentences of "seem to me [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 I found myself lying to her , although my lies seemed to me to represent the truth as soon as I was out of Aisha 's house .
2 These authorities seem to me to leave the developing law , if not at the crossroads , at least at the junction of two diverging roads .
3 I feel no qualms about taking sides against these contributions , nearly all of which seem to me to disregard the Criminal Law Revision Committee Report and to neglect to analyse the meaning in its context of the word ‘ appropriate . ’
4 Thus inauthentic languageusing behaviour might well be effective language-learning behaviour , but to call the latter ‘ authentic ’ seems to me to confuse the issue .
5 I have told my childhood story because it seems to me to parallel the general evolution of a progressive , child-centred approach to learning .
6 It seems to me to magnify the difficulty of that particular operation if it has to be conducted under any sort of time pressure which the arrangements for the hearing on 3 February 1992 seemed to entail .
7 The common claim the that the stories are remarkable for their even tone seems to me to miss the point .
8 Adorno seems to me to situate the problem , without necessarily being the solution to it .
9 it seems to me to perform the functions which we were er seeking through through the proposed Policy three .
10 But I 'm unconvinced by the pause Marriner inserts between the main section and trio , which seems to me to lessen the effect of the oboes ' pivotal , punning Gs that lead into the trio 's C major .
11 A because the work has n't been done What I 'm trying to do is er to say give a balanced approach which seems to me to reflect the County Council 's view that er you really ca n't do it on the basis of a a a quick subjective assessment , it really needs to be the result of a l of a detailed body of work .
12 This bears some resemblance to the definition communication referred to in Chapter 2 and seems to me to generalize the meaning of the term authenticity to the point where it ceases to have much significance .
13 Here otherwise close associates like Bridgeman and F. E. Smith distanced themselves from Maxse , while another committed tariff reformer , his fellow editor and friend H. A. Gwynne , pointedly told him that ‘ for good or evil ’ , the Conservative party was ‘ the only weapon we have with which to achieve our purpose and help on the causes which both you and I have strongly at heart … and anything that tends to disorganize it or to destroy the efficiency of that weapon seems to me to postpone the fulfilment of our desires …
14 The golden thread approach , coupled with considerations such as that post-Darwin certain past arguments no longer hold water , together with an element of an a priori ethical stance , seems to me to provide the best concerted argument for the ordination of women .
15 Over-dependence on the behavioural elements of sexual therapy seems to me to run the risk of ignoring the underlying emotional factors .
16 But it seems to me to have the twofold advantages of first specifying with precision what it is that the parties have agreed , thus avoiding the possibility of misunderstanding or mistake , and , secondly , it enables the justices to define with greater precision points at which they may tentatively determine to depart from the agreed package .
17 ‘ Mr. Howell 's argument , which found favour with Simon Brown J. , seems to me to approach the question from the wrong end .
18 It seems to me to reduce the passport to what it generally is in practice , a not too efficient identification card , of which few authorities take much real notice .
19 The submissions made to your Lordships on the basis of the history of eleemosynary corporations do not seem to me to justify the drawing of such a distinction at the present time once it is accepted that certiorari can be available ( as in Thomas ) on some grounds .
20 It is always a lie and never the truth , ’ Questionable though that judgement may be on the aphorism in general , it does seem to me to catch the half-formed nature of this observation — or perhaps , better speaking , its lack of a frame .
21 Apart from that , I do not think that I learned a great deal from Conservative Members ' contributions to the debate — except , perhaps , that the hon. Member for Chelmsford ( Mr. Burns ) , who is not noted for his breadth of vision , does not like Labour councillors , which did not seem to me to advance the argument very much .
22 It does not seem to me to address the problem to say that if the producers produce the programmes the audience will supply the criticism .
23 I rather deplore the recent manifestation of Pop ; it does n't seem to me to have the intellectual force of the art of the Sixties .
24 Crystal ( 1969 ) defines paralinguistic features as : ‘ … vocal effects which are primarily the result of physiological mechanisms other than the vocal cords , such as the direct results of the workings of the pharyngeal , oral or nasal cavities ’ but this does not seem to me to fit the facts .
25 It is , of course , true that some wrappers might come from the chocolate which had already been bought or from chocolate which would have been bought without the offer , but that does not seem to me to alter the case .
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