Example sentences of "seem have been [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 It was no boyish fancy , the feelings he had for her ; they seemed to have been born in him .
2 Most of the attacks were near main roads , and the original police hypothesis was that a single madman or religious fanatic was motoring from one enclosed pasture to another ; then several horses seemed to have been assaulted in different places at the same time , although this is not certain .
3 He puzzled over the dates on the backs of photographs , most of which seemed to have been taken in May , and he tried to get from his aunts the precise age gap between his parents and between his mother and Uncle Stanley .
4 Some strength or recklessness seemed to have been released in her by recent events ; she had increased as Anwar had diminished .
5 the biggest problems in the running of the new services after closure seemed to have been encountered in Torbay .
6 Dorigo had a great game , I thought , but all too often seemed to have been left in sole command of the entire left side of the pitch — every time he went forward alone , large gaps appeared behind him , and the gaps were frequently filled by the ball and Sunderland players .
7 Times must still have been hard down Whittox Lane , though nearly all its inhabitants seem to have been employed in some way or another — most of them in the clothing trade , alongside Mr. Middleditch , the Badcox Lane Baptist minister , and Charles Dyer , 23 , a coal miner .
8 Walls seem to have been painted in flat colour washes even earlier .
9 The body and the upper stand seem to have been made in a single casting .
10 ‘ He made much worse cuts in the ‘ Scenes aux champs ’ of Berlioz 's Symphonie fantastique and in the last movement of Martinů 's Sixth Symphony , though these seem to have been made in live performances only . ’
11 Inevitably he painted ‘ La Canadienne ’ , but although she was deeply in love , Modigliani 's emotions never seem to have been engaged in the affair .
12 Looking back to the latter half of our time in Scotland , I seem to have been engaged in a variety of activities : was twice part of a consortium to bid ( unsuccessfully ) for the franchise for Scottish Television ; was appointed chairman of the board of Edinburgh 's Royal Lyceum Theatre Company , a post I held for seven years ; was persuaded to stand as a candidate for Lord Rector of Edinburgh University and ( mercifully ) was defeated by its former Roman Catholic chaplain ; gave poetry recitals with Moira at Edinburgh Festivals and elsewhere ; attacked in a lecture to the Royal Society of Arts the moronic language of disc jockeys whom I referred to as ‘ the Anyway Boys ’ ( the word ‘ anyway ’ being their standard linking passage ) — but singled out for praise a comparative unknown by the name of Terry Wogan ; rejoined the Liberal Party ; took part in a shoot where in the gloaming I brought down what I thought was a woodcock but turned out to be a parrot , escaped recently from its cage a mile away ; fished for salmon in Spain where my guide was called Jesus ( and enjoyed bawling for him down the river bank ) and on the way home visited the marvellous cave paintings of Altamira and Lascaux ; proposed ite health of Prince Philip at a Variety Club luncheon and of London 's Lord Mayor at his midsummer banquet ( he was also chairman of the London Rubber Company to which I made some fruity references ) ; and for a year was resident British columnist of the American weekly magazine , Newsweek International .
13 Most of the key decisions on military and political expenditure overseas in this period seem to have been taken in the Defence Committee , and simply endorsed by the Cabinet .
14 Rigorous steps to avoid selection biases seem to have been taken in only two of the four studies of immature babies — namely , those of Hofmeyr et al .
15 Indeed , in many of these later works , coherent and sequential narrative patterns seem to have been abandoned in order to be more representational , as in Mobile ( 1962 ) , Réseau aérien ( 1962 ) and 6 810 000 litres d'eau par seconde ( 1966 ) .
16 They seem to have been missing in action , releasing a couple of singles off the last album without providing any back-up tours to promote them .
17 However , Hermann says that he was generous to them , and the Bury Psalter and the Bury Gospels , both of which seem to have been produced in Christ Church Canterbury , were possibly commissioned by him as gifts .
18 Yet , the dangers of centralisation certainly seem to have been avoided in the main spending area , that of system engineering .
19 The present text , his first novel , strikes me as amusing , irritating , and impressive in about equal degrees , and for all I know it might well have been composed rather than written ; certainly it seems to have been constructed in 64 chapters based on the hexagrams of the I Ching — it is subtitled A Novel of Changes , in case anyone should miss this — with frequent references to Marco Polo 's own writings , in Ronald Latham 's Penguin translation .
20 In so doing he seems to have been acting in concert with a Roman official called Seronatus .
21 Roman interest in Scotland was only slight and patchy at best , and their general view seems to have been expressed in the Severus separation of Britain into superior and inferior provinces .
22 Another shrewd overseas signing seems to have been made in Rudi Bryson , the South African fast bowler , who can also score quick , useful runs down the order .
23 The term ‘ carrier ’ seems to have been coined in Anglo-American legal discourse largely to aid in the assessment of liability for damage to cargo .
24 ( Apart from the specific use of the word ‘ play ’ by Watson , much of the investigation seems to have been undertaken in the spirit of play . )
25 I am aware of the extensive experimental research which has focused on ion forms involving Ca++ Na+ etc2 , but what seems to have been missed in this prior research is the appreciation that water forms its own ion form in that it dissociates into hydroxyl and hydronium ions as listed on the table .
26 The main impediments to the free flow of people are those placed there to facilitate the free flow of motorised traffic , particularly road crossing barriers , signs embedded in the pavement and steps and ramps to carry the walker over or under the roadway. little seems to have been done in the way of formal schemes of assessment of pedestrian problems or of priorities for maintenance or design .
27 This seems to have been done in the interests of retaining the theoreticians ' assumption of panmixia ( Charlesworth , 1980 ) .
28 In yeast , tRNA Asp lacks m 2 G at all these sites , but when yeast tRNA Asp is injected into X.laevis oocytes , G6 and G26 became modified to m 2 G. Although G10 was not modified in microinjected wt-like tRNA Asp ( mutant a ) , an m 2 G10-site seems to have been created in some of the other tRNA variants ( 20 ) .
29 Construction seems to have been completed in September 1866 and a passenger service to Abergynolwyn started in the December of that year .
30 His workshop seems to have been situated in the basement of his house , with his office on the ground floor .
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