Example sentences of "where [pers pn] be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I would add only that the cost of insurance in Belgium , where I was general manager of a major insurance company for nine years , is much higher than in Britain , and the rate of inflation has now steadied after a major explosion when these factors were introduced .
2 So was I. The expectant mother was sixteen years old and one of my students at the school in Barcelona where I was five months into my first teaching job .
3 so he said I said I do n't have to tell you where I were last night David , I were out , so I said even if I were in it 's none of your concern I said what I do in my private time is up to me , he said well why was n't you there ?
4 Where you been this morning then ?
5 We were short anyway , always are , and I thought , right Connie , I 'll know where you are this afternoon at any rate .
6 No kidding though , would you like to tell me where you were last night ? ’
7 ‘ It would , ’ Cranston observed , ‘ be helpful to know where you were last night . ’
8 Crook comes to Sefton from Bolton where she was principal offer for purchasing , planning , and development .
9 She attended an excellent direct-grant grammar school ( which has since gone independent , much to Robyn 's disgust ) where she was Head Girl and Captain of Games and which she left with four A grades at A-Level .
10 She is just back from the States where she was on-stage singer with the Cincinnati Ballet 's production of the folk ballet ‘ Sergeant Early 's Dream ’ , with musical partners The Chieftains .
11 Like where we are all heading :
12 Cos it 's sad in my opinion that going back to where we were several months ago because we set out out to attracting higher quality people paying them more money and we 've come back again to basically seeing the people who we saw in the first instance
13 ‘ Drugs are a very serious issue — and you 're quite right , I have been involved in a world where they 're common currency .
14 We know where they are twenty-four hours a day . ’
15 Income support rise ‘ derisory ’ : This week 's rise takes many pensioners back to where they were 18 months ago , Sue Fieldman reports
16 For many pensioners this week 's increases will only bring them back to where they were 18 months ago , and some pensioners will still be worse off .
17 Finally Dara 's hands were placed behind the covering curtain of the harem where they were dyed red with henna by the ladies within .
18 Is that where they were last night ?
19 The problem is solving all the problems , providing all the facilities in , in the situation where it 's diminishing resources , I mean we would n't be actually be carrying out this review , in the way that were gon na do it , if we did n't have the problem with the money we 've got , you know .
20 ‘ It was a photograph of Mark and I heard how he 'd qualified as a chiropractor and set up in Falmouth where it 's uphill work .
21 Work was going on in this specific area at Harwell , where it was classified secret , and now a leading Soviet was offering to come and tell all !
22 His early involvement in this so-called jazz-poetry — which achieved such popularity in the sixties — shows that Leonard , not for the first time , and certainly not the last , was ‘ where it was all happening ’ before it actually happened .
23 If you went down to Pitville Park in Cheltenham today , this was where it was all happening … thousands of children taking part in Playday 92 .
24 Did you see in , I do n't know wha where it was free paper
25 But here , that 's still where it was last time I checked my watch .
26 Never know where he is these days .
27 MIKE BURGESS , NDO for Validation , has been seconded from Glasgow College of Building and Printing where he is Senior Lecturer and Depute Head of the Department of Complementary Studies and Educational Services .
28 Dickson now lives and works full-time in Japan , where he is designated skipper of the Nippon Challenge for the America 's Cup .
29 So the thing is , if he , inconsistent in that story , if he 's doing that , that direction how did he get shot from that way , where he 's own telling stories apparently coming from ?
30 York has a reputation as a determined cutter of costs , and at Chrysler , where he was executive vice-president for finance and chief financial officer , he helped to trim $4,600m from the company 's costs over four years .
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