Example sentences of "need to have [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Every teacher , from the reception class upwards to the age of 16 , needs to have a confident grasp of what the whole process of schooling and education can provide for and require from the pupil .
2 The field needs to have a good supply of water .
3 Today 's world-class athlete no longer needs to have a full-time job to support his or her athletics .
4 Any new module needs to have a distinct identity and market — SCOTVEC feels that it would be confusing to employers to have a proliferation of modules and titles and so the Catalogue sub-committee will not accept a new proposal if it thinks that the same outcomes can be achieved by suitable fleshing-out of an existing module .
5 Intel has decided that the next generation of PC processors needs to have a better name than the 586 .
6 As the woman who dreamed up the slogan ‘ A Dog Is For Life , Not Just For Christmas ’ , she needs to have a high profile for campaigning , while still being able to turn her hand to clearing the odd blocked drain that might occur at the kennels .
7 In a democratic society , this means that the public needs to have a basic understanding of science , so that it can make informed decisions and not leave them in the hands of experts .
8 ( b ) Taking instructions As noted above , the drafter needs to have a clear understanding of the nature of the client 's business , in order to ensure that the terms meet the needs of the client 's business , taking account of its products , customers and problems .
9 A campaign strategy needs to have an in-built system of self-criticism and self-assessment .
10 So in future we hope that , if anyone needs to have an up-to-date picture of the reserves in , say , Nova Scotia , they could just click it up on screen rather than have to wade through some hefty document or wait for someone to get back to them . ’
11 The head porter needs to have an exceptional memory for names and faces , and be a fountain of knowledge in order to deal with the numerous enquiries of the guests .
12 At that point he needs to have an uninterrupted view of the audience and they need a clear view of him .
13 It needs to have the necessary quality of confidence about it. ) 4 Whether the relevant information can be easily isolated from other information which the employee is free to use or disclose This to some extent relies on the intelligence and honesty of the employee .
14 To sustain the more general claims one would first need to have a systematic account of the class structure of a society which showed that the interests promoted by the state were in fact those of the ruling class .
15 You also need to bear in mind that you may have other payments under existing deeds of covenant or other payments made under Gift Aid in the same tax year , and you will need to have a taxable income at least equal to the gross amount of all these payment , as well as the Gift Aid payment being contemplated , otherwise you will have to account to the Revenue for some tax .
16 … the old distinctions between teaching.staff and librarians will become hopelessly blurred … both tutors and advisers will need to have a thorough understanding of subject fields and the various generic .
17 I think the point , I think the point we 're making is that none of the districts yesterday told us that to meet their figure in H one they would need to have a new settlement , for example , I well remember Selby saying to us if we go above our H one figure we would need a new settlement , but they did not say to meet our H one figure we would need a new settlement .
18 Local firms will need to have a good grasp of the challenges or threats that 1992 will bring , to have a good feel for which sectors and industries locally will be most affected when the barriers come down .
19 You do n't need to have a personal grudge against someone to slash them .
20 Each business will need to have a solid safety net of low risk performance areas , whose task will be to reduce the cost base to the absolute minimum , supporting a much smaller proportion of high risk , hopefully high return ventures .
21 You do n't need to have a dull garden in winter : a few well-chosen evergreens will ensure bright and cheerful splashes , as will a few winter-flowering bulbs and plants like Christmas roses ( Helleborus niger ) and Algerian irisis ( Iris unguicularis , also sold as I sylosa ) .
22 The program requires DOS 3.0 or later , and you will also need to have a separate virus scanning program , and a formatted system disk in order to complete the installation .
23 The program requires DOS 3.0 or later , and you will also need to have a separate virus scanning program , and a formatted system disk in order to complete the installation .
24 You do need to have a basic knowledge of
25 This usually all works well with a large one-off competition , but if you have organised a series of regional newspaper competitions , for example , you will need to have a foolproof system to ensure that winners receive their prizes shortly after winning and you do not have irate editors ringing up saying that their readers are growing angry at the lack of delivery .
26 Do you need to have a permanent partner ?
27 You would need to have a sound grasp of English history before you began ; and you would need , at every point , to relate your study of the literature of any given period to the state and development of the language .
28 The practitioner will need to have an overall picture before diagnosis ; he/she may ask about your past illnesses , family tendencies or general energy levels .
29 You will need to have an impressive knowledge of research techniques linked with outstanding management skills to manage a young , dynamic team , and develop their work within the organisation 's changing structure .
30 Answer guide : In order to protect their current interests they would need to have an equal number of ordinary shares .
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