Example sentences of "seem [to-vb] in the way " in BNC.

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1 But none of this is the essence of Mrs Thatcher 's problem which is rather that , on the essential questions of economic management , the government gives the impression either of having lost its momentum or of having decided that it must settle for something well short of what Mrs Thatcher seemed to promise in the way of reducing the size of the public sector and also the burden of taxation .
2 you see with me living on my own for such a long time now , erm it seems er it seemed to get in the way , you had the television and
3 Protected by the noise , which surely signified the most hideously active stoking the world had ever seen , I began to search about , even daring to light a flambeau , which was all this ground floor seemed to warrant in the way of illumination .
4 Certainly previous experience shapes present and future conduct but the good teacher or the good manager will not be contented simply with repeating what he or she has already been through without questioning the constraints of the organization which seems to stand in the way .
5 And the only thing that seems to stand in the way of doing anything commercially sensible with County Farms is that every time we deal with it , somebody says , ah , but it can only exist as an entity , let's keep it as that , let's pass it on to a trust , let's safeguard it , let's do this and that .
6 Again , the answer seems to lie in the way that the reformulation draws the hearer 's attention to the differences between just being gone and having vanished .
7 As for the supposedly devastating impact of the John Major Diary in Private Eye , of which I am also a co-author , I can only say that , despite the article 's prediction , it did not seem to stand in the way of a gratifying number of people giving him their enthusiastic support on Thursday — including myself .
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