Example sentences of "seem [to-vb] taken the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Maggie herself , he knew , understood the situation well enough : there was no one more sensible than Maggie ; but her auntie , who seemed to have taken the place of her mother and , like a mother , had her future interests at heart , was always bringing her qualities to the fore for him to admire .
2 Held , allowing the appeal , the judge seemed to have taken the view that both sections 76 and 78 concerned misconduct by the police .
3 They seem to have taken the view that deportation was justified as a last resort when the victim had persistently ignored warnings , and when nothing further could be done to achieve his rehabilitation .
4 Historians seem to have taken the lead from their subject : the RPF is still the least studied and least well-understood part of de Gaulle 's career .
5 He just seems to have taken the head staggers .
6 The unexpectedness of this request seems to have taken the king by surprise .
7 From More Eliot seems to have taken the word ‘ anfractuous , , and read that the poet undergoes ‘ a partial dissolution of his own personality ’ .
8 More recently , the appointment of Vial has been attributed to the influence of Granville Penn , who seems to have taken the Frenchman uncritically at his own valuation .
9 ‘ Possessiveness seems to have taken the place of affection with them .
10 After the last rise in base rates , all sources of advice to the Chancellor do seem to have taken the view through the summer that the squeeze was working .
11 Meanwhile , as Russia 's economy burns , inflation now a hairsbreadth from the banana republic variety , its leaders fiddle with its future — locked in a political power struggle which would now seem to have taken the place of anything resembling coherent government .
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