Example sentences of "seem [to-vb] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But none of this is the essence of Mrs Thatcher 's problem which is rather that , on the essential questions of economic management , the government gives the impression either of having lost its momentum or of having decided that it must settle for something well short of what Mrs Thatcher seemed to promise in the way of reducing the size of the public sector and also the burden of taxation .
2 Beyond , the pampas seemed to swim in the midday heat .
3 On top of the thin dress she wore a brightly coloured , predominantly red , Chinese padded jacket ; it seemed to sparkle in the room 's dim lights .
4 Although not loud , her laugh seemed to reverberate in the room , destroying its solemnity .
5 The chief superintendent seemed to revel in the reprimand he issued to her .
6 Marc seemed to freeze in the act of bending his head .
7 Closer to his eye was a reflection of the kitchen , which seemed to hover in the darkness , a silent capsule , a moment from a time warp .
8 As the softly spoken syllables seemed to hover in the air around them with a soft moan he drew her fiercely against him , raining kisses on her face , making her shiver deliciously .
9 Palm trees and crescent-shaped dunes seemed to waver in the heat .
10 His eyes seemed to glow in the darkness .
11 She led the way down a short and curving hall into the lounge — a rugged expanse of blue and gold that seemed to glow in the light admitted by three high windows .
12 His eyes seemed to draw in the light like two unreflecting pools and she was unable to tell whether she had dented his ego or not , but the patronising note that came into his voice hinted that she had somehow won that round .
13 It seemed to bow in the centre ; for one terrible second she thought that it was going to split .
14 She sipped her tea and her body seemed to sag in the chair .
15 I have said before how much that seemed to fly in the face of my own upbringing , but I am now slowly getting there .
16 One quite serious limitation in the original selection of these authorities lay in the criterion for selection which seemed to rest in the main on those authorities whose drama advisers happened to be currently in favour with H.M.I .
17 The hoarse words were intended to come out as a joke , but instead they held a raw note of emotion which seemed to hang in the air between them .
18 Ajayi smiled and nodded , perhaps at the man , perhaps at the thin , wavering line of squares which seemed to hang in the air over the small circular table .
19 His flat statement seemed to hang in the air between them .
20 There was a moment of silence as their gazes locked , and his last sentence seemed to hang in the air , as if it had a meaning beyond the surface value of the words .
21 Nicolo 's words seemed to hang in the silence that suddenly enveloped the room .
22 Her whispers of abandonment seemed to echo in the air of the bedroom .
23 But it seemed to echo in the quiet of the hall , becoming meaningless , a sonorous groan of a word .
24 you see with me living on my own for such a long time now , erm it seems er it seemed to get in the way , you had the television and
25 The rock music above suddenly stopped , although its rhythmic throbbing seemed to linger in the air .
26 Something seemed to move in the distance .
27 Protected by the noise , which surely signified the most hideously active stoking the world had ever seen , I began to search about , even daring to light a flambeau , which was all this ground floor seemed to warrant in the way of illumination .
28 The question , light , whispered , had barely left her lips and seemed to tremble in the air between them , when with a swift unexpected movement , just as she lifted her hand to touch his face , he caught her wrist .
29 Suddenly she seemed to take in the reality of what she was doing and all her confidence fled .
30 ‘ But they seem to trust in the power of the nine-tailed whip , and they will continue in that until a regiment breaks out of its barracks and makes its own way home . ’
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