Example sentences of "seem [adj] [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed strange to make that argument , Mr Cook said , when it was clear the whole policy review process was designed to placate the centre ground .
2 Washington even seemed prepared to go some way towards meeting the desire of the USSR to revise the treaties relating to the rights of passage by warships through the Straits between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean — an issue with a long and complicated history reaching back into tsarist times .
3 But more and more intellectuals seemed prepared to take this risk and went on to talk of Chaplin 's techniques , his ‘ dolefulness ’ , his sense of rhythm , and his mastery of myth and fancy .
4 This took some doing , as they seemed prepared to stay all night .
5 As my living was eked from my imagination , it now seemed sensible to link that imagination to my own healing .
6 It seemed sensible to reserve each end bay of the roof space for a bedroom , lit by a new window installed either in an adjacent roof-slope or in the flanking gable .
7 Neither seemed willing to accept that lobbying on behalf of special interests and trading in order to build coalitions in congress are both necessary and entirely legitimate activities in the context of the American pluralist system .
8 Once experimental control achieved in laboratory conditions made it possible to demonstrate that the strength of specific behaviours was indeed a function of environmental events , it seemed reasonable to describe such events as reinforcers .
9 Indeed Lord Reid seemed unwilling to draw any distinction between challenges on procedural or substantive grounds .
10 Like a trueborn criminal he seemed able to take such setbacks in his stride .
11 Neither seemed able to elicit any information .
12 And even Bernice , for all that she was a Professor and obviously very learned , seemed unable to read any meaning into the convolutions of colour .
13 In September agreement was held up when the then Chancellor , Mr Nigel Lawson , seemed reluctant to allow any change in the IMF 's structure which resulted in a drop in Britain 's position as the second largest shareholder within the Fund , even though it is now the sixth largest market economy .
14 Together , he and his long-time friend from their days at RADA , Richard Harris , seemed determined to out-drink each other .
15 It suddenly seemed necessary to stake some claim openly .
16 She seemed anxious to talk that night .
17 Maisie seemed surprised to recall this fact .
18 The police do n't think we 've heard the last of the attackers who seem prepared to endanger many lives in an attempt to reach their targets .
19 The Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education ( CATE ) and HMI seem set to enforce these criteria ; institutions that do not meet them will not be accredited for teacher training .
20 The SNP is also launching a recruitment drive but its attacks on Labour seem likely to cause most controversy .
21 With Rory moving on , England seem sure to have another Underwood in their first side .
22 Erm I noticed er with interest that in the Greater York context the County Council seem happy to offer this flexibility , that there they call it a bias towards opportunities for development which I 'm quite happy to accept that term if er if it er improves our position .
23 But eventually they come to accept the situation and seem able to live each day more perfectly and more beautifully than the rest of us are able to do .
24 Social analysts and novelists alike seem determined to make these connections visible — hence the detective element in many Victorian novels .
25 But we still need to know how , I mean maybe in a participatory democracy we can defend freedom and equality to the system not in it seems absurd to say that democracy we have now is a way of embodied freedom I mean maybe weak notion of equality , but nothing
26 ‘ He seems prepared to let this country bleed to death while those on guaranteed incomes just look on . ’
27 IT SEEMS appropriate to begin this review of Angela Carter 's last book with an anecdote from which the necessary expletive will be deleted .
28 Since demonstrative pronouns typically involve a gesture , it seems easy to assimilate such acts of reference to general theories of action ; if one can then show that other kinds of referring expression are related to demonstratives , the case for viewing reference in general as a species of action is made plausible .
29 In effect the insider who questions the gross systems of classification which define police practice seems set to join those deviants or criminals who contest the system of law and order by breaking its rules and regulations .
30 A great deal of diversification has been of a conglomerate , ‘ unrelated ’ nature , but it seems hard to find any justification for unrelated diversification .
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