Example sentences of "need [to-vb] a large [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , because its shares trade at a low price the company will need to issue a larger number of them to raise a given amount of capital than would otherwise be the case .
2 The homoeopathic doctor needs to obtain a large amount of information from the patient which requires a longer consultation time .
3 In the first weeks , sometimes months , of language study , you will need to use a large part of your time to practise pronunciation .
4 It 's a handy program for anyone who needs to send a large variety of business letters and who does n't want to faff about thinking of the right thing to say .
5 Since considerable resources of time are needed to input a large corpus successfully , textual processing by computer is impracticable for many researchers working on tight budgets .
6 It can be maintained , for instance , that erect posture is needed to support a large size rather than represent progress to an endothermic regime .
7 A few months ago she would have needed to buy a larger size , but it looked good , she had to admit .
8 There is , for instance , the problem of what kind of heart would be needed to propel a large body , and the question would arise as to whether , in the case of very tall animals , a higher blood pressure would be required , with commensurately tougher blood vessels , in order to pump blood from the heart to the brain .
9 8 What area of Plywood is needed to make a large cuboid 4m long , 2.5m wide and 2m deep
10 If you need to lose a large amount of weight , you should talk over with your doctor the possibility of a very low calorie diet , such as the Cambridge Diet .
11 LEFT As a puppy grows , you may well find that you need to obtain a larger check chain .
12 On the one hand you 've got everything , accounting-wise , you need to run a large company now , and on the other , the bits that make what you send to other people look professional are coming ‘ real soon now ’ in a later release .
13 We would generally feel that the welfare of people who need to knock themselves out with some kind of drug and need to spend a large part of their lives thus self-narcotised is less good than that of people who do not need to .
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