Example sentences of "need [to-vb] the [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you need to see the proof that ‘ t is over before you 'll stop lying to me ? ’ he cut her off to demand .
2 The user also needs to know the operations that can be applied to the relations so as to carry out the desired retrievals .
3 You do n't need to visit the branch that holds your account either — any of our NatWest branches will be happy to help you .
4 Authorities will need to analyse the services that need to be provided and ensure that they are in place .
5 But because of the nature , because of the nature of our amendment , we do need to remind the opposition that er prior to that date was facing major social economic problems as vital services in the local economy fell victim to the consequences of planning thirty million out of the budget in order to bring in a low poll tax .
6 Even with the property market at its height — I do not need to remind the House that it is not at the height at the moment — British Rail would not be able to cover the £1.4 billion capital cost out of its profit from property development or out of revenue from running the trains .
7 well who would you need to make the suggestion that the brochure should be updated once a year , to whom would you normally make that suggestion , if it needs to be made ?
8 They say help is needed to combat the poverty that has left peasants growing traditional crops in many parts of Latin America unable to survive .
9 Where do you think that more money needs to be spent ? erm well , the government are in the process of launching a massive new initiative called Care in the Community erm I 'm afraid a lot of people working in my neck of the woods find this rather well not amusing , but erm it 's slightly hysterically amusing , because the amount of money that would be needed to fund the projects that are identified as being necessary is enormous , and the government is in no way going to be putting up that sort of funds erm so it comes down to money , and particularly in this community care area .
10 People can not smell or touch each other , so new devices are needed to give the impression that people are in the room .
11 From the foregoing comes one of the basic facts of modern economic society : the poor in our economy are needed to do the work that the more fortunate do not do and would find manifestly distasteful , even distressing .
12 Freewheeling down this long , windy road can be especially exhilarating because emergency action is often needed to dodge the tractors that chug around the hedge-blind corners .
13 Special programmes must be provided where needed to address the problems that refugees face through their past circumstances to give them equality of opportunity and to avoid eroding their talents and initiative .
14 Regular pre-baiting is needed to teach the bream that there is a tasty alternative to bloodworms , daphnia , crustacea , edible plant life , and other items that constitute natural aquatic food .
15 He needed to solve the puzzle that was Harold Piper .
16 For the player it was simply sartorial preference , but as he explained in his autobiography , for the over-ripe imaginations of Glasgow — a town called malice — it was all the proof they needed to spread the rumour that MoJo was a heroin addict disguising his needle marks .
17 We need to preserve the jobs that we have .
18 They show very clearly that the Government are ensuring that , while we may reduce the personnel numbers in our armed forces , we are increasing the relative proportion of funds spent on their equipment to ensure that in the future they have the equipment that they need to perform the tasks that we set them .
19 But the stage at which they come to believe there is no way in which they can achieve the aim is the stage at which you need to re-examine the objective that the business has been set .
20 If you are the daughter-in-law in this situation , you need to accept the fact that most of the problems that arise have their roots in hidden jealousy ( including your own ) .
21 It really , we need to encourage the trade that Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union and if it , one of the former speakers said , we need to give them aid and ascent for people who can , erm , show them what to do .
22 And meanwhile , next year 's potatoes will not be planted because the men who should be doing it are on the public works instead — and they are on the public works because that is the only place they can get money to buy the meal they need to replace the potato that failed . ’
23 First we need to create the awareness that we need the training , ’ she says .
24 The centres aim to bring the best energy-saving technology into everyday use , by equipping planners , engineers and consumers with the information they need to choose the technology that will suit them best .
25 Firstly , pupils need to identify the tools that they require in order to solve the problem , and they must then be able to manipulate the tools effectively .
26 Yet aposematic coloration has not always evolved among kin-grouped prey and we need to identify the variables that are of evolutionary importance .
27 I have explained to the hon. Gentleman and to the House on countless occasions that we have provided TECs with the resources that they need to do the job that I have asked them to do .
28 And we need to use the reserves that we do have in the balance sheet , we need to spend them wisely in order to achieve our objectives , our objectives for change , and we must recognise that they can only be spent once .
29 You only need to use the information that is suitable or relevant to that particular essay .
30 Teachers need to record the things that the child has learned ; they need to see how thinking is developing and the best way to support it .
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