Example sentences of "old part [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The hotel stands right in the middle of the village , where the old part of the building has been the centre of village life for hundreds of years .
2 The old part of the village , where the church stands , is down by the heel , or hoof of clorin .
3 They have complained that traffic has been going down the one-in-three gradient Bay Bank into the old part of the village which is prevented when police have been on duty in the past .
4 As well as adding to the old part of the story , the continuators brought it up to date till the death of Geoffrey le Bel , occasionally slipping into detailed narrative of events : there is a long and useful excursus on the politics of 1118 .
5 Fighting centred on the main barracks , the Balboa port section of Panama City , close to the main bridge leading over the canal , and in the old part of the capital , which is a maze of slums and anti-military feeling .
6 ‘ When our two wee ones came along , we had to have the ixtra room , but I prefer the old part of the house .
7 Meanwhile back on the ward , Doctor Beri 's bleep goes again … this time it 's a call to casualty … and the weary house physician has to run half a mile from one end of the building to the other … along the new corridor linking the old part of the hospital with the new.By the end of the morning , he 's covered six miles … one day recently he covered eighteen miles :
8 The old part of the town is home to one of the most famous Venetian harbour promenades in Greece and the modern town is notable for its busy indoor market , and the only one in Crete .
9 The old part of the town lay half a mile away in a shallow bowl , through which meandered the river that gave the town its name .
10 It was getting on for two in the afternoon as she crossed the Rådhuspladsen on her way towards the old part of the town .
11 She 'd booked in to a hotel on the Place Gambetta , had a leisurely bath to iron out the kinks of the journey , then followed the receptionist 's directions to the old part of the town , a maze of narrow streets where old timbered buildings leaned amiably towards each other .
12 The market place and its world renowned gothic cathedral in the old part of the town , the numerous wine-bars , restaurants , pubs and cafe e s all add to a warm and friendly atmosphere .
13 They also demanded that President Guillermo Endara Gallimany , 56 , make a personal visit to the old part of the city to see for himself the severe level of poverty the population was being forced to endure .
14 I went to sleep that afternoon fully dressed , and I did n't wake up until seven forty-five P.M. I washed and changed my clothes , and walked through the old part of the city with its strange , crouch-backed , medieval buildings , like a Hollywood set built for Garbo .
15 Owen had taken a house in the old part of the city not far from the Mar Girgis .
16 But there is an old part to the town , running east from the harbour , and a delight it is to walk through : Basque urbanism at its most attractive .
17 A new lobby has been constructed deliberately set at an angle to the older part of the building , as an aid to disguising the ‘ join ’ between the two sections .
18 To return to the lines on the other side of Croydon , the Tooting line , on leaving Tamworth Road terminus ran through the older part of the town in very narrow streets , until it passed the barracks in Mitcham Road .
19 We left for Salonika on 17 July , arrived next morning , and stayed two days , which gave me time to explore the older part of the town .
20 On one of their travels the Bookman stopped beside a shelf in an older part of the library .
21 I had been given his address by friends in Britain and now took a taxi to his flat , a couple of miles from the hotel but still in the older part of the city of Buda .
22 Although all but a small part of the encircling wall has gone , the older part of the city , with its narrow winding streets which witnessed so much of Scotland 's history , is still clearly separate from the New Town , the two being surrounded by the Victorian and Edwardian developments .
23 The older part at the south end has a small harbour and pier and is especially charming , mature woodlands creating an Arcadia of delight .
24 The Birmingham Assay Office reported in 1966 that the oldest part of the arrow , the main tube and point , could be c1600 , while the flights and flight end tube are probably c1700 .
25 Yes , there it was again , undoubtedly a dim glow of light in the two small windows of the oldest part of the Cathedral at two fifteen in the morning .
26 They walked along the platform and made their way to the Metropolitan Line , thus entering , though they did not know it , the oldest part of the system .
27 The oldest part of the farm lies at the rear of the farmhouse and is not easily seen from the road .
28 I asked what was the oldest part of the farm and was shown a flagstone path leading down to a valley .
29 His room was in the oldest part of the Castle , along a narrow galleried landing , with thick dark hangings that stirred faintly as she passed .
30 There are very fine oak beams in the oldest part of the house and the gallery is in good condition .
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