Example sentences of "work within the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite their small numbers , the Trotskyists managed to create two organizations in 1937 to work within the Labour Party as they had done within the ILP .
2 To provide a forum for discussing the major issues of CALL in Spanish schools and to develop a cadre of ‘ multipliers ’ to work within the Spanish school system .
3 The Tudeh Party appears initially to have decided to try to work within the new system , but was later subjected to pressure , especially in 1984 .
4 To achieve profound change , women must necessarily work within the existing structure .
5 And I would add that the Economic Development Officer also acknowledges that he must work within the strategic framework which is the policy of the county council .
6 He would work within the Soviet embassy .
7 It is worth observing , furthermore , that even a committed liberal humanist teacher like Barbara Hardy found that opportunities to teach " against the environment were rare ; perhaps particularly so in that her own college ( Birkbeck ) worked within the examination-dominated regime of the University of London .
8 What is usually glossed over is the fact that , in the process , democracy came to be " liberalised " in that its radical and egalitarian ideals were softened so that , in practice , democratic politics worked within the prevailing system of power in economy and society .
9 He holds a Master of Theology Degree and has worked within the ecumenical movement in the Pacific for more than ten years .
10 These included powers to make loans for land acquisition and works within the designated districts ; loans for site-preparation works ; and grants for rent relief within Partnerships .
11 Only an understanding that recognizes that an irresolvable tension works within the historical schema itself will be in a position to make its contradictory claims productive .
12 Where fantasy is involved , as in a film like The Wizard of Oz ( 1940 ) , non-realistic , simple colours are acceptable , provided they add up to a coherent scheme that works within the special world of that film .
13 So deep was the division on the " entrist tactic " that the unified body reached the compromise of working within the Labour Party for a period and then withdrawing for a time and continuing independent activity .
14 And imagine that this economist is not working within the rational expectations framework and so makes no distinction between the predictable and unpredictable components of the money supply .
15 Romanyshyn 's exposition of the critique is , however , forceful and lively and may stimulate those working within the traditional paradigm at least to justify their indifference , if not to question their perspective .
16 The architect or the engineer working within the civil service may believe this to be unnecessary red tape and their culture may be dominated by a concern to do the best possible job conforming to the highest professional standards .
17 The administrative officer working within the civil service may compare pay and conditions with similar jobs in the private sector such as a building society .
18 The eighth-century forger of the Donation , doubtless working within the papal circle , and assisted by later papal propagandists and artists , had provided a most effective story .
19 The unit , working within the existing structure of the Archive , consists of a research officer and a data processing assistant and is funded initially for two years .
20 However , this should not be taken to imply that this approach does not have its critics or that all researchers working within the developmental paradigm are in agreement regarding the more detailed aspects of language development .
21 The Communists , under two very astute leaders , had advanced their cause very considerably by working within the Anti-Fascist People 's Freedom League and trading on Aung San 's popularity .
22 It was a period of intense debate , not only amongst politicians but also between many outstanding economists working within the Marxist tradition .
23 Thus he found himself working within the grey area between employment agencies and headhunters .
24 It has to be acknowledged that there is some potential risk attaching to this , particularly where the buyers are covenanting with the sellers , but such risk appears to be part of the price that conveyancers are prepared to pay for working within the commercial pressures in the modern conveyancing market .
25 Dare the NUAAW break free of its commitment to working within the statutory framework and risk a repetition of the events of 1923 ?
26 Double marking raises problems for staff already under great pressure of examining three times a year and also working within the tight deadlines of examination week .
27 In an interview published in three West European newspapers on Dec. 14 , Willy Brandt , the former West German Chancellor who was in Moscow immediately before Honecker was deposed , maintained that a " bloodbath " had been prevented by Soviet Army officers , working within the senior echelons of the East German National People 's Army ( NVA ) .
28 Er all I can say chairman is that the County Council is is working within the approved structure plan strategy which is based on restraint , based primarily on housing restraint but I think that 's what the County Council has done in its er employment land proposals is to set certain parameters which appear to us to really reasonably meet requirements of this authority 's resident population .
29 They believe that to those who work within the official theory of school they are non-persons .
30 Copmpleting all work within the agreed timetable .
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