Example sentences of "work within [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One day she wants to work within a sporting authority that cares for its athletes .
2 Working towards achieving the certificate will ensure that you are gaining experience in all the areas necessary to work within a specific sector of the freight industry .
3 Referring to the effect of the new deployment on Saddam Hussein 's policy , Bush commented that he hoped for sanctions to work within a two-month period , but that " if this movement of forces is what convinces him [ of the need to comply with UN resolutions ] , so much the better " .
4 Conformity to rules relies primarily upon compliance , upon a willingness to work within a regulated framework which Etzioni has suggested rests either upon acceptance of a ‘ utilitarian ’ financial bargain or upon a ‘ normative ’ commitment .
5 But the motives that attract people to work within a social service are as variable as the jobs themselves and generalization is not very useful .
6 It also allows software producers to work within a common compatibility format .
7 Despite their small numbers , the Trotskyists managed to create two organizations in 1937 to work within the Labour Party as they had done within the ILP .
8 To provide a forum for discussing the major issues of CALL in Spanish schools and to develop a cadre of ‘ multipliers ’ to work within the Spanish school system .
9 The Tudeh Party appears initially to have decided to try to work within the new system , but was later subjected to pressure , especially in 1984 .
10 Although the prime responsibility for rural housing provision has rested with the rural district councils ( district councils since 1974 ) , they must work within a strategic planning framework laid down by county council planning authorities .
11 It requires planning , skill and tactics to create a winning side and if the individual players do not fit into the maze , if they can not work within a cohesive unit , then success will elude the whole team .
12 Third , effective operational planning of services for individuals would be fostered by the appointment of care managers who would have more flexibility to be innovative and would also work within a clear system of accountability to senior managers .
13 To achieve profound change , women must necessarily work within the existing structure .
14 And I would add that the Economic Development Officer also acknowledges that he must work within the strategic framework which is the policy of the county council .
15 He would work within the Soviet embassy .
16 All four , together with Althusser 's pupil , Michel Foucault , worked within an epistemological tradition which was critical of the positivism which , up to that time , had dominated the history of the sciences .
17 It is worth observing , furthermore , that even a committed liberal humanist teacher like Barbara Hardy found that opportunities to teach " against the environment were rare ; perhaps particularly so in that her own college ( Birkbeck ) worked within the examination-dominated regime of the University of London .
18 What is usually glossed over is the fact that , in the process , democracy came to be " liberalised " in that its radical and egalitarian ideals were softened so that , in practice , democratic politics worked within the prevailing system of power in economy and society .
19 He holds a Master of Theology Degree and has worked within the ecumenical movement in the Pacific for more than ten years .
20 The Legume Pathologist works within a multidisciplinary team seeking ways to stabilise and increase production of cool season food and forage legumes through improved pest resistance and alternative controls for common diseases , with major emphasis on basic and applied research related to Ascochyta blight , root-rot , rust and wilt in lentil and chickpea .
21 These included powers to make loans for land acquisition and works within the designated districts ; loans for site-preparation works ; and grants for rent relief within Partnerships .
22 Only an understanding that recognizes that an irresolvable tension works within the historical schema itself will be in a position to make its contradictory claims productive .
23 Where fantasy is involved , as in a film like The Wizard of Oz ( 1940 ) , non-realistic , simple colours are acceptable , provided they add up to a coherent scheme that works within the special world of that film .
24 Very recently , however , there have emerged important signs of a change within those working within a political economy perspective .
25 Osborne , to judge from the other of his works , is concerned to produce music which is generally concordant and does not afflict the senses with cacophonous sounds , though always working within a modern idiom .
26 For many staff , the satisfaction of exam level work outweighs the possible disadvantage of working within a narrow age-range .
27 We are working within a straight jacket imposed by central government , but our choice was that budget , for all its faults in totality , for the fact that it was half a million less than it could be , and the budget put forward by the Labour party who had totally refused to negotiate on their budget , and therefore we ought to look at that budget in detail to see what was on offer , because it was n't very pretty .
28 Wirral 's heroin ‘ epidemic ’ ‘ incubated ’ unnoticed and in documenting this fact we can do no better than quote an epidemiologist ( Hughes 1977 ) working within a similar heroin outbreak in Chicago during the early 1960s : ‘ In this epidemic there was a tragic time lag between the contagious stage during which heroin use spread and the stage when the epidemic 's full impact was felt and reacted to by the host community . ’
29 This kind of work appeals to those who are interested in commercial law and who like the idea of working within a structured organisation .
30 In the same way , the contrasting development of the Western European societies may also become comprehensible only as the outcome of distinctive political , religious or other forces working within a particular mode of production .
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