Example sentences of "work by the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If the changes wrought by the Glorious Revolution in England seem , by contrast , much more limited , it would be wrong to react too far and suggest that very little of significance was achieved by the events of 1688 – 9 .
2 Also , strikes are responsible for an almost negligible amount of lost time compared with total hours worked by the employed population .
3 Weekly hours worked by adults with cystic fibrosis were not significantly different from those worked by the general population .
4 For Excess time payments — the amount is calculated by multiplying the number of days worked by the daily rate in the excess hours column .
5 For Excess travelling payments — the amount is calculated by multiplying the number of days worked by the daily rate in the expenses column .
6 Since the 1880s the mill has been worked by the White family , who still run it today .
7 ‘ On June 28 we are having an open day with various activities , a lot of displays and work by the junior section — WATCH .
8 If the English artist Mark Quinn can get his own head , cast in his own frozen blood , on display in the Saatchi Gallery in London ; if the Italian papers can be filled with agitated articles about whether ‘ a cardboard box covered in cloth , with bits of cardboard , bone glue , red pen , tempera and oil paint ’ , until recently exhibited at the Brera Academy in Milan , is or is not an authentic , therefore meaningful , work by the shamanesque German , Joseph Beuys ; if Duchamp 's own famous urinal of 1917 can grace the Palazzo Grassi in Venice as from this month , then surely there is room for those centuries-old objects of ancient devotion to be resurrected as the focus of the new cult .
9 Nothing daunted , the reactor personnel managed to get an extra pump working by the space-age technique of forcing open a valve and jamming it with a steel plate , though this had the distinct disadvantage of immobilising all of the other safety systems .
10 In the meanwhile , works by the Colombian artist Botero are omnipresent , from the Champs Elysée to the Grand Palais ( see The Art Newspaper No. 21 , Oct. 1992 , p. 31 ) .
11 Until 14 February , Germany 's largest law firm , Boden Oppenhoff , Rasor Raue , at Hohenstaufenring 62 , is showing five large paintings and thirty-five paper works by the American artist Ira Bartell , who lives in Cologne .
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