Example sentences of "work [prep] the [adj] party " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was so keen to work for the Labour Party , ’ he says .
2 Gould found that he could put those skills to work via the Labour Party — ‘ If the metal shop at school was hell on earth , distributing leaflets and canvassing was heaven , ’ he says .
3 Despite putting up Protestant Unionists against specific Unionists , Paisley was still willing to work with the Unionist Party provided the candidate was acceptable .
4 At the moment they are prepared to work with the political parties in keeping up the momentum December generated , but it 's clear they intend to progress with their agenda whether or not the formal politicians continue to drag their feet .
5 Despite their small numbers , the Trotskyists managed to create two organizations in 1937 to work within the Labour Party as they had done within the ILP .
6 They did n't work for the Labour Party , which failed to persuade the voters of the value of self-sacrifice .
7 Outside the college as well as within it , he worked for the Conservative party , attending meetings and electioneering .
8 The Movement put up municipal candidates and worked with the Communist Party and the ILP for the " immediate demands " of the unemployed .
9 The political loyalties of the different companies are also well known : Harris works for the Conservative Party , while Market & Opinion Research International ( MORI ) is usually chosen by the Labour Party .
10 J. R. Campbell directed revolutionary comrades in the ILP as follows ; Fight for a revolutionary policy and work with the Communist Party to carry out that policy ; work for coming over en masse into the ranks of the Communist Party .
11 Watkins comes to a similar conclusion , although he argues that the Labour Party 's hostility to working with the Communist Party was the reason for its failure to force the National government to abandon its non-intervention policy .
12 So deep was the division on the " entrist tactic " that the unified body reached the compromise of working within the Labour Party for a period and then withdrawing for a time and continuing independent activity .
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