Example sentences of "work [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Frenzied attempts to work off the festive flab can lead to muscle and tendon injuries as people try to do too much too quickly .
2 It is this bracing action which allows the legs to work during the forward swing .
3 She worked in the Paris office of the New York Herald Tribune for a while and later she went to Switzerland to work for the International Labour Office of the United Nations .
4 The whole thing was designed to smoke out double agents , to make sure you had n't gone over and started to work for the other side .
5 One has transferred to the communications department and all were offered the opportunity to work for the new contract firm .
6 However , if the reason for the closure is that your employer has transferred his business to someone else , there may be no dismissal because you have been automatically transferred to work for the new owner ( see below ) .
7 That , in war and in peace , you will strive , with your prayers and with what material aid you can summon , to work for the sole weal of Scotia ?
8 Am I glad we came out to work for the entire season , Rosie !
9 It was fear of the Soviet military threat which led many US administrations to work for the political unification of Europe — a process in many ways inimical to their own interests — and to urge the United Kingdom to play her part .
10 It was to work for the complete organisation of all ship , dock and river workers in order to raise their wages and improve their working conditions .
11 Men are in voluntarily unemployed if , in the event of a small rise in the price of wage-goods relatively to the money-wage , both the aggregate supply of labour willing to work for the current money-wage and the aggregate demand for it at that wage would be greater than the existing volume of employment .
12 ‘ I was so keen to work for the Labour Party , ’ he says .
13 Although Fair Isle is officially part of Shetland , and I had been a keen birdwatcher since I was a boy , I had never had the opportunity to visit the island until I had started to work for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .
14 My sights were wide-ranging " I 'd like to work for the Daily Mirror or the Telegraph , " I informed my friends , as I sank a pint in the way I 'd seen the big-boys do at the time of the by-election .
15 In 1958 she was invited to work for the Gulbenkian Foundation where , as Director of Music she initiated an ambitious programme of activities , including the formation of the Gulbenkian orchestra , choir and ballet company .
16 Mark West , 26 , of St James ' Close has been appointed to work for the British Embassy , in Ankara , Turkey .
17 The officer said people should lose their sectional interests , should learn to accept orders and to work for the common good .
18 In this tradition the state is perceived as the vehicle by which the unity of the nation should be achieved in order to work for the common good .
19 THREE-quarters of the track including half the through lines , the semaphore signals , the last vestiges of freight facilities and the last of the men who used proudly to work for the old railway company have gone , yet the long-distance service is faster , more frequent and above all better used than at any time in railway history , and the number of passengers passing through probably at an all time high .
20 For the first half of the meeting the division was split into two large committees to work through the agreed agenda .
21 Not only may firms be unable , for reasons of bounded rationality , to work through the complex mathematics of these models , they may not have to because the answer is to them so obvious .
22 We do not always have to work through the whole process though , because the patterns for two , three , four or more symmetry-related modes are reproducible from one molecule to another .
23 If schools feel that the National Curriculum does not get to the heart of the matter , that it is a relatively superficial means to more important ends and has important omissions , then is it not up to the schools to work through the National Curriculum or add to it to secure their goals ?
24 To do this it is best to work towards the final schedule in a systematic way .
25 unity of objective : the formal organisation should ensure that individuals in the organisation find it easy to work towards the common organisation goal .
26 However now that we have a theory of communication ( Sperber and Wilson 1986 ) embedded within an overall theory of mind ( Fodor 1983 ) , and the beginnings of a model of grammar devised to reflect the assumptions about language implicit in these theories ( Kempson forthcoming ) , we are at last in a position to work towards the formal articulation of theories of linguistic knowledge and reasoning within an overall theory of mind .
27 The mining dispute , which had provoked the strike , continued from the end of April until November 1926 , when the miners and their families were effectively starved back to work despite the financial support of those unions affiliated to the TUC .
28 Gould found that he could put those skills to work via the Labour Party — ‘ If the metal shop at school was hell on earth , distributing leaflets and canvassing was heaven , ’ he says .
29 She went to England in her teens ( 1917 ) to work under the dark genius of Sickert , and from him went on to France , where first , and briefly , she learnt from Andere Lhote , and then commenced a lifetime study with and under Albert Gleizes .
30 It will normally be for four weeks from the time when you start to work under the new contract .
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