Example sentences of "work [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When you plan your programme , start with the social and personal free time for shopping or relaxation that the participants ought to have to encourage their brains to work during the meaty sessions .
2 The Prussians were horrified to learn that in Pomerania and Danzig the surviving Polish nobility were reluctant to work for the new authorities and much preferred to lease out their estates to tenant farmers while they lived off the income in Warsaw .
3 Women with more mechanical confidence will drive off , going sometimes for miles with tears pouring down their face , until they find a quiet lay-by to work through the final stages of their process .
4 They continue to work against the democratic interests of the nation whose people do support the concept of local government .
5 The effect of this is noticeable on people from hotter climates who have siestas ; they are able to work into the early hours of the morning without feeling fatigue .
6 At the moment they are prepared to work with the political parties in keeping up the momentum December generated , but it 's clear they intend to progress with their agenda whether or not the formal politicians continue to drag their feet .
7 The third set of attitudes relate to those who are known to my Asian colleagues as the ‘ muesli missionaries ’ ( as in ‘ Miranda had an unhappy love affair/acne/a need to save the world , so she has gone to work with the ethnic minorities ’ . )
8 An increasing number of them come to work with the general practitioners in the Conceicao programme for up to one month on a voluntary basis during their holidays .
9 I think , therefore we are extremely fortunate , that so many people of distinction and talent are willing to give up time to serve on the Executive of the N C V O to work with the honourary officers and the Director and her team , to ensure that N C V O maintain such a central role in watching over our interests and in promoting the concerns of the people of this country , that we are all so active about .
10 Elected governments largely have to work with the nuclear scientists , engineers , surgeons and even the accountants they inherit , implying the domination of individual policy sectors by specialist administrative cadres , and the neglect of issues which span across multiple policy arenas .
11 She was a guest teacher at the prestigious Medau Teachers ' Whitsum Course in Coburg in 1983 and the trainers who experienced her work there have managed to persuade her to come to England to work with the English teachers .
12 Floy remembered what Nuadu Airgetlam had said about the Robemaker taking sacrifice from the ordinary Irish people and putting the sons to work in the Dark Workshops and guessed that the people had simply lost heart .
13 Geographers who want to work in the environmental sciences must be willing to learn the methods of these sciences , lest we lose the respect of our colleagues in such fields .
14 Many health policies in Third World countries are based on at least the vocabulary of this approach though the political climate does not always encourage such radical rethinking of health care nor does the training of most health workers prepare them to work in the new ways implied in the PHC philosophy .
15 The wage agreement produced some drift back to work in the following days , but the strike held steady in the Kuzbass , Donbass and Vorkuta .
16 In fact my whole being was permeated by the leaden-armed pervading weakness one feels when forced to work in the small hours .
17 But who 'd want to work in the small labs if the more exciting stuff went elsewhere ? "
18 It was true that it was very hard to work in the public baths .
19 One of the characteristics of many of the people who are drawn to work in the social services is a strong commitment to those services .
20 Miss Armstrong said Labour wanted to work alongside the existing CTCs to bring them within the mainstream education system .
21 Male hostility to the notion that women could assume active roles within the social and political spheres of the movement in part prompted the guild , but it also endowed a jealously-guarded independence that enabled the guild to work outside the political boundaries of accepted cooperative practice .
22 Immigrants , some of them Indian Tamils , arrived to work on the new estates .
23 One lawyer needs to work on the collective ideas and draft the documents .
24 Er to work on the key issues which are common to all options for the future , er such that th we can put ourselves in the best position to secure future business success .
25 To that end , a working party was set up consisting of members of the Legal Services Committee and representatives of the CLE including the Dean , to work on the detailed proposals of the Law Society once they were made available and to put forward the Bar 's view .
26 The initial requirement is a tension square in your own choice of yarn and stitch pattern and the stitches and rows are used to set the Knitleader to work to the appropriate measurements .
27 What is striking is that Peada was baptized by Fínán , Aidan 's successor as bishop of Lindisfarne , at Ad Murum in the vicinity of Hadrian 's Wall , and that he took back with him four priests , Cedd , Adda , Betti and Diuma , to work among the Middle Angles , the Irishman Diuma receiving consecration from Fínán , according to Bede , as bishop of the Middle Angles and the Mercians ( HE 111 , 13 ) .
28 However , according to some scientific reports , the devastation wrought by the recent floods could soon be overshadowed by the effects of global warming , which , it was feared , might completely submerge vast expanses of low-lying land ( see pp. 36783-84 ) .
29 But the Conservatives are bracing themselves for a map of somewhat different complexion on Friday morning , if the opinion polls ’ verdicts prove true , with most of the changes wrought by the Liberal Democrats .
30 Nevertheless , the destruction wrought by the Iraqi forces on Kuwait 's oilfields and refineries had been devastating and would take years to rectify .
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