Example sentences of "work [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Only by doing this could we ever hope to work effectively with the government in the future .
2 They will also need to know about lobbying and negotiating and how to work effectively with the bureau management committee as well as how to manage staff meetings .
3 These take into account all the aspects of skill and knowledge needed by an individual to work effectively in the industry .
4 When this bout of unemployment is over , or when unemployment is declining , we must avoid children leaving school with no idea of the skills that they will need to work properly in the jobs that they will want , and in the jobs that will be available .
5 It took the mantri a long time to work right round the bull , from shoulder to rump down one side and then from rump to shoulder back up the other .
6 In order to do this I decided to work loosely with the oils as if I was using watercolours , thinning with genuine turpentine and allowing colours to bleed into one another .
7 Emphasis will be placed on the student 's ability to work co-operatively during the planning and implementation of community involvement .
8 On Nov. 6 it was announced that four Oromo organizations , the OPDO , the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Oromia ( IFLO ) , the United Oromo People 's Liberation Front ( UOPLF ) and the Oromo Abo Liberation Front ( OALF ) , had agreed to work together towards the creation of a " broad-based national entity " .
9 The local education authority , and participating employers , in planning to work together for the benefit of young people , will need , early on , to clarify their modus operandi .
10 But to be effective they all have to learn to work together for the good of the school .
11 Accompanied by two of his closest advisers , foermer Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda and Sanya Dharmasakdi , he appealed to them to work together for the sake of the people and the economy .
12 By Aug. 27 the US Defence Department and the ICRC announced that they had agreed to work together on the airlift .
13 The staff members that are transferred may have a frustrating period before they become acquainted and learn to work together on the project .
14 This objection can easily be overcome by allowing two students to work together at the terminal — a method which appears to facilitate learning .
15 A bishop should be a leader and I will try to work together with the members of the dioceseabout women priests .
16 It 's the first chance everyone has had to work together with the technology , and it shows .
17 The exercise allowed the practices , health board , and hospitals to work together with the Department of Health to develop fundholding without the anxieties of dealing in real money .
18 It is the will to work together of the people involved that produces curriculum benefits .
19 A lot of people say , ‘ How on earth can you manage to work together in the theatre , and then come home and be together , too ? ’
20 It is also important that my dogs and my ferrets get to know each other long before they are required to work together in the field .
21 To symbolise their commitment to work together in the future , they will read together an extract from the Swanwick Declaration .
22 The little boy 's absorption had enabled her to work longer during the days , which meant she had finished the commissions in hand and so could take a weekend off without worrying about them .
23 Some of the other men are allowed to work outside in the grounds of the prison , as you wilt see .
24 For example , management might suspend all negotiations about pay and conditions until employees agree to work normally during the bargaining .
25 At the same time the question of personality is important and the most ideal candidate on paper may be unsuitable because his or her personality would make it difficult to work comfortably with the rest of the staff .
26 The use of acrylic colours in my palette allows me in all aspects of landscape painting to correct and add light ; in fact it enables me to work more in the manner of an oil painter .
27 He believed , and she had once heard him say , that eventually she would , naturally , come round to his way of thinking , and she had vowed to work harder at the study of English literature in order to learn enough words to refute him once and for all .
28 HARPY 's unified graph design leaves the system with little alternative but to work left-to-right through the utterance , since there are no individual components whose attention might be directed to one portion or another of the utterance .
29 ( Automation , computer systems , and so on , should not have been introduced to reduce the number of staff but to free qualified staff to work directly with the library users . )
30 What is it that motivates painters to work directly from the landscape motif ?
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